Another Word for Meditation
It is utterly crucial it is to allow our thinking mind to be quiet for a while. Or to focus our attention on one thing (such as the breath). This can come through any activity that allows your mind to focus on one thing: such as running in your neighborhood, painting a picture, or even washing the dishes.
Several things happen when we do this. We calm our bodies and souls and find a sense of inner peace. We also create space for our inner voice, our intuition, to emerge.
This inner voice (which can also come through as messages from spirit guides - takes some practice to discern) provides us with loving guidance for our lives. Can you imagine going through life without a source of love and wisdom to help you along? Using this space to visualize what we want in our lives also allows us to create a positive reality for ourselves... to manifest our dreams and our highest good.
This space is also known as meditation. The word "meditation" can be alienating for some people. It can seem some lofty, inaccessible concept that only Buddhist monks or yogis can do "well". I am hoping to shift the conversation away from this term in search of a new one, so that more people can feel like this incredible tool is accessible to them. Creating a new habit of mindfulness, simply put, can be life-changin!
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts.