Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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A Source of Infinite Wisdom

Dear readers,

I've been gearing up for a workshop this weekend on "Restoring the Soul in the Workplace."  This is a big step of mine to start spreading some of the ideas and hopefully transformational information to others.  Simply, it is that we don't have to suffer through jobs that we know aren't supporting what our soul wants and needs.  And providing some tools on what to do start making that happen.

In developing a curriculum for the workshop, I had been stuck on the traditional concept of talking to people about the benefits of meditation in the workplace. While it is true that accessing our ability to co-create what unfolds for us starts with meditation, and this is part of what I want to talk about, there is more - much, much more. I had almost lost sight of the original purpose.  The real information that I want to share is somewhat of a secret. Not an intentionally-kept secret, but something that many of us don't know about, or don't know how to do.  I have been talking about it over and over again throughout this blog, maybe because I really want people to know that this is something they may not totally understand yet, because I didn't until recently.  There has been a book/movie about it, called "The Secret," (although their sole focus on manifesting money was a little uncomfortable for me) and other books as well. It is a concept called the "law of attraction," or just manifesting our reality, or co-creation of our destiny, etc. etc.  The point is that it is real.

There is a source of infinite wisdom out there called Abraham Hicks. It is channeled  - it is a "group consciousness from the non-physical dimension".. and most importantly they are rooted in love. They call themselves "Abraham" for the sake of we humans who like to put labels on things. Let me back up a bit...yes that's right, this is channeled, through a woman name Esther Hicks who is a medium here on Earth.  I have spent some time watching the videos of her presentations - it is hard to believe at first.  But do you know what?  It doesn't really matter, since what they say is so wonderful and seems so wise, that I choose to believe.  And you may choose to as well.  

Now, where do I come in here?  Well, I have been seeking guidance from my own guides, and I have come to believe that I need to help to spread this message.  I am starting.  It is a funny thing to try to merge the metaphysical world with the day-to-day practical world.  I keep fearing that people will read this and think I've lost my mind. But as I've heard more and more, maybe those of you reading this right now actually wonder if there is something to it.  What does happen after we die?  What happens to our souls, our spirits?  Can we really communicate with spirits?  Can people really become vessels to channel spirits on the Other Side?  I had always been curious and have spent much of my leisure time researching, exploring, learning.  And as you can tell, I am going public with it now.

Back to my career.  I am choosing also to embark on a new career to make this project a consulting, speaking, workshop, coaching thing - business most likely. I believe that my role is to help translate some of the words you read above here to those of us that need it most... those of us who struggle in our modern workplaces (or in any similar situation that causes us stress or makes us feel disconnected with our higher selves- have you ever felt like you are one person at work and one person outside of work?  That's what it is...).   Those of us who may never willingly choose to go visit a psychic or even go to a meditation class for whatever reason.  I am choosing to attempt to bring this message to you, or to others who aren't reading this, to help spread the word that you can take back control of your life.  I believe in saying things as they are (within reason), in honesty, openness, being real.  I think I can "bridge the gap." Or at least I will try.

So here is the other piece. I realized that Facebook is a great way to spread ideas and get the word out. But it also feeding a great fear of mine. I'm exposing myself to people I know from all walks of life, from my current field in social service, from high school, from wherever. People that may know only one side of me and may wonder where this other side is coming from.  I'm ripping off the veil and exposing what is beneath.  It is a scary process, but also freeing.  Writing is my creative process, as you can see.   We all have different ones.  For my husband it's music.  He is much more in touch with his intuitive side in everyday life... what an incredible guide he is for me.

The point of this is that you can do this too.. and I am excited to meet you if you want to hear more about my experience.. I want to share and maybe you can make the changes for yourself too.  Thanks for listening, as always...