Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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The Green Papers That Run our Lives

I just finished a contemplation on my views of money. I acknowledge that I have some limiting beliefs about money, as many of us do.  I have tended to avoid money in recent weeks in developing my business, but as in everything, the universe has given put some new information about money and abundance in my worldview for a reason.

My grandfather once told me several years before he passed away.. "Don't forget this:  money controls everything."  I was shocked and sad to hear that.. but I have come to acknowledge its truth.  So many people spend so much time working to make money, which provides basic things like food, clothing, housing, child care.  However, I believe that he was speaking about our modern society and how we have simply let money control us.  Our entire lives.. so many of us feel like we do not have a choice in it all and are essentially slaves to money.  We have to work to make money, we can't go there because of money, we have to buy this not that because of money.  We are limiting ourselves like crazy due to these limiting (but totally normal!) beliefs.  But money is an exchange of something we value.  So let's start there.. thinking about what we value and how much we value it. As with this all... it comes down to how it makes us FEEL.  We value what makes us feel GOOD.  Okay.  With that, we can start to see that.. there IS another way.  It will take some effort to get there though.. we will need to shift our mindset and subconscious, deep-seated beliefs to do so... I haven't quite figured out how to do it all myself yet, but I feel it coming. A new way of doing things, another way of being.  To find happiness and freedom, because isn't that what we all want as humans?

Kate Northrup talks about creating passive or residual income... creating something (inventing something, writing a book, making a CD, buying real estate, etc) that we only do ONCE and then make the profits from over and over. Then you are free to go to the gym, read, bake bread, do yoga, or do whatever all day long!  What holds many of us back from achieving this is our belief that WE can't do this thing.  Or we spend our valuable time on things that don't get us to where we want.  There are people (not just celebrities but people like you and me) out there, around us here, who have done just this - created freedom and time by learning, spending their time strategically, and acting decisively.  For we can spend lots of time visualizing but of course, we need to ACT on that to achieve our hopes and dreams. And you can too.

So don't worry.  You can have a lot of money and still be a good person make a difference in the world - by putting your money in places that will help change the world (Bill Gates is doing just this) - you aren't just hoarding it.  You will be in the flow that the universe wants you to be in!

In abundance and gratitude,
