Virtual Connections and Evolution
Dear friends, In recent weeks I have had come to a new realization. For a long time, I had resisted and shunned technology, only using it when I had to for work and to communicate by email. However, I've come to understand that the INTERNET has transformed the world by connecting people in ways that were never possible before.
Did you ever think about how that fact could assist you in your life's work, in your career, or in a business you are developing (or want to develop)? If you have an idea or a skill that can truly help others change their lives for the better, it's time to share that widely! Whether you have a farm where you can teach others about what you're growing, if you have an idea about alternative medical healing, or you have skills in teaching cooking about raw food, you can make this into your day job by posting webinars, videos and more to share with the world. Yes, YOU!
There is a revolution starting... you may be seeing it in the media playing out for good and for less-than-good, but it is happening. Don't you want to be a part of that but in your own way with your own particular dream? For we each have dreams that have always been within us... You know that yearning/inclination you have always had to do whatever-that-thing-is, or the childhood dream that you once had? Well, that's your soul speaking to you... and over the years you may have either been told or been led to believe that it wasn't possible for you (the limiting beliefs and voice of an inner critic that exist in all of us).
What if your inner critic were ready to retire? What if your true self is ready to emerge? Imagine the possibilities. I am rooting for you.