What Does it Mean To Be Free?
It has been an interesting few weeks. We have been having a wonderful time with kids in our homeschool co-op, and at home chopping wood, planting garlic and watching porcupines and birds. (And I was surprised and honored to learn I was asked to present a lecture and a workshop on intuition and the Akashic Records at the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association conference in Florida!)
I sat down today to compile my thoughts on what is happening. After moving through some sadness and anger, it took a few days of sitting with light, with my guides and in the Akashic Records to really get some clarity.
We are living in a time of unprecedented chaos and confusion. Many people are in a constant state of “fight or flight,” in triggered mode. Some of us have been aware that a massive shift in consciousness has been coming for years. We are now in a defining moment of that shift.
This is a moment when humans are being asked to explore freedom. Do we want freedom? Or not?
We are experiencing oppression unlike that which most of us have ever experienced in our lives. With all of the control, mandates, rules and lockdowns, many of us are feeling angry, confused and scared. We may be scared about descending into a dystopian nightmare, like that we have read about or seen in movies. It can feel like we are living in that world.
Was this our collective consciousness that created this? And what does this have to do with the Presidential election?
We need to start asking questions. And, thankfully, the tyrannical measures being put into place by those in control have exposed the darkness that has been lingering in the shadows for thousands of years.
In the Akashic Records, the guides share with me that we are being squeezed like a baby being pushed through a birth canal. We are being exposed to whatever level of darkness is required for a critical mass to awaken. This is when we decide if we truly want to be free, as our free will choice. This choice that many are now making, saying “No, I do not consent” to the excessive “nanny state” guidelines will be what frees us from the Earth prison. More and more people are standing up for personal sovereignty, and are learning to take back our power. No human, no leader is here to save us. We must learn that we have the power, that we have the ability to create our lives through our simple thought, intention and visualization. Most of us have not been taught this truth, so we are learning to de-program years (and lifetimes) of conditioning to expand into our Divine essence as co-creators.
And when this mass of humans awakens, planet Earth can be assured to stay on the timeline on the path to 5th dimensional unity consciousness. This way of living is one in which humans care for each other in empathy, understanding and compassion. We connect deeply with the essence of the Earth and all creature. We live more sustainably and cooperatively, and we create our own sub-societies of people sharing resources and food. It is a way of life predicted by the Mayans and many other indigenous cultures.
Yet for some, this shift, this birthing, feels very uncomfortable. The feeling is of the inability to sustain or tolerate this energy anymore. Many souls are simply just checking out (exiting their bodies) during this time. Yet, for many others, we have signed up for this.
This is the moment we have been waiting for. All of the meditating, light connection and healing that many of us have done has prepared for this. People who are still living in the 3D world will find that this world is becoming more difficult to live in. We are seeing this happening in public schools, large companies and health care institutions. Eventually, these broken systems will be like ghost towns. People will start creating their own homeschool co-ops, their own businesses and seeking holistic alternative healing methods. This is already happening. Many are already living in the 5D way. And those who are still in the 3D world are also playing an important role, and this is okay. This is part of their soul contract for this lifetime – some will awaken and some will not.
The more that we can focus on the world we want to create, and the less energy, attention and focus we give to the false dystopian reality we are seeing presented to us by the mainstream media and governments, the more we can hold the positive vibration of the ascension timeline into the New Earth. Yes, we may resist, but focusing our energy on what we want to create (the new way), versus fighting against what we do not want (the old way) will keep the vibration of the New Earth strong.
We can ask our Divine guidance – angels, Ascended Masters, God/Goddess, or simply just light imbued with pure love to help guide us. We can use our feelings, what is deeply in our heart, and what feels aligned in our bodies to guide us. When we watch or listen to a person talk, we can ask ourselves, does this align with my heart? If not, then discard. If yes, then it is truth for you.
In the meantime, we are being asked to remember these words:
“I am a sovereign being. I am in control of my life and my body. I am free, and no one can take this freedom from me. I have compassion and love for other humans, and this starts with loving myself. My cup runneth over. I am free. I am free. I am free.”