Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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Letting Go of the Old... To Create the New

Breathe, breathe, breathe. Let's focus on what we want to create versus getting too sucked in to all the worst-case scenario thinking, which we are being bombarded with... all the fears.

We can create a new way of living that is better for us all. If you have kids and you are worried about the potentially damaging social and emotional effects the proposed public school "guidelines" will have on children, reach each out to someone to explore homeschooling ideas! We have already decided we will be doing a Waldorf-based curriculum called Earthschooling (with other families in Maine).

Or if you are done with your job, experiment with something you've always thought about doing, but try it out this time with a few people you trust. This is how I started my business!

As hard as it can be to transition from one way to another, the old broken systems were really not working for most of us anyway. I believe it's important to protect ourselves from the constant mental conditioning of the mainstream systems of control around us, and then to move away from the fear of what we see.

The dystopian timeline we are seeing is merely an illusion! It's a trick for us to get sucked into a place of fear. It's a paradox - we see what's happening but then try to focus on creating love, healing and freedom to give us hope. I do feel that this will ultimately prevail, and this is the future I have been shown in the Akashic Records. Still, can make it a whole lot easier for ourselves if we can resist and reject the dystopian reality that is being presented to us.

We must stand up and say "no", and this takes courage especially when our own friends and family can lash out, due to their own fear, against anyone who is challenging their conditioned worldview. It is understandable (mostly) since it is so hard to accept the level of deception we have been fed. Compassion and understanding is truly the way.... in my view.

When we voice that we do not consent, it takes away the vibrational power of control. Then, we can move on to creating the systems that are aligned with us as sovereign, free beings.

One might wonder, why are we being told to hide our faces and bodies rather than boost our health naturally - such as with herbs, foods, and other natural remedies? 

There is a lot at stake here and I hope most people start waking up to this.

Ultimately, I think we all want the same thing - a happy, healthy, free, loving world for our families.

I am meeting privately with some who want the same, creating ways of living with the Earth. It is a high-vibration group with a few of people who are quite "known" in the world of spirituality, which gives me great hope for what can be created and birthed for many people around the world. Our group has been meeting twice a week to hold the vibration of love, and it is one of my favorite pastimes and sources of strength these days.

Our mantra in this group has been: We are here to be channels for the resonance of love.

If you are reading this, maybe this speaks to you too. In my meditations, I have been shown a future of people focusing on creating little microcosms of communities and ways of being that are supporting one another, holding the vision of how we want to feel and be to help our planet, and living in self-sustaining ecosystems of sorts. We can begin educating our children in healthy ways, and sharing food and community. It is a very different way of living and will require letting go of what we are used to. But it will be so much better!

Let's hold on tight and get through this wave of change and releasing the old, as hard as it is, to invite in the new, together. I have faith that light and our higher selves can get us through.

I know it's easier said than done, believe me...

The serenity prayer is invaluable these days (feel free to replace the word "God" with one that feels better to you):

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

And this is one of the best descriptions I've seen that describes what's happening to humans- the breaking down of the 3D world (fear, programming) as we move into 4D (living in the flow) to 5D someday (instant manifestation)... and of the Earth's ascension.

It's the ultimate practice of presence to be calm in the face of uncertainty...

May we ride the wave and trust the flow that's leading us into a better place.