Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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High Vibrations to Heal Us All

Dear multi-dimensional being,

I hope you are each finding a space for quiet, solace and clarity these days. I have been immersed in the Intuitive Guide program I'm offering this year, planning a retreat for them and content for us to learn and grow with together. Here are a few thoughts that we dove into this week.

As we move into the New Earth way of being, it is more important than ever for people to come together in unity, and for as many of us as possible to anchor in light.

I have shifted my focus in recent days to one of simply doing my best to hold a high vibration, and to do what I can to help create that in my community with aligned friends. I still see the dark, and the controllers who are doing their best to deceive us (as wolves in sheep's clothing), but I choose no longer to give my energy to any emotions of anger or fear. Simply put, they feed off these emotions. Like a highway I see going in a different direction, I acknowledge it but will not be getting on that road! So the way to overcome all this, and to free Earth from the prison we have been in of mind control (which most humans are still under), the only way to free us, is with love and raising our vibrations into our Divine lightbodies. This is all about energy and vibration.

To do this, it's helpful to back up and remember how life works for us humans. I believe that we as souls move through life with 1) destiny and fate (soul contract pre-determined outcomes) and with 2) co-creation through our free will choice (according to the Divine law). When we are doing soul work, we need a destination at the top of the mountain to which we aspire. This is our ultimate goal, our highest and best self. We use the ability to co-create our lives by creating a vibration (or vision) of how we want to feel and be in our lives (which you can do with this free Future Self tool).

When we learn that the universe operates through energy, and that “like attracts like,” we understand that we give off energetic waves with our own thoughts and emotions. These thoughts and emotions contribute to a vibration that we emit.

And when we focus on how we want to feel in our vision, versus the actual things we want, this brings the energy of our heart into it, as connected to our feelings.

The trick to bringing this vibration into our current life, to align with our highest and most expansive vibration, that we write down and describe how we FEEL to bring it into reality. The more we can raise our current vibrational state to match the waves of that high-vibrational vision, the more likely our vision is to unfold in our lives.

Take it a bit further, and take action. Experiment, explore, reach out. The magic often lies when we connect with other people. Share an idea that you may have with someone you trust. Tell your ego, which may come up with all kinds of fears/doubts to try to keep you in your safe, and familiar comfort zone, that you’re just testing the waters... to help it calm down.

This Sunday I am excited to host a forest bathing gathering as a way of bringing people together to bask in the high vibration of community and of nature! Adults (and teens) will spend time in meditation and mindful walking in the woods, and kids to go sledding and frolic in our yard and the woods. Kids and teens need a place to play freely and joyfully, without restrictions!

A special guest, Amy Nielsen, will guide us in this Forest Bathing Gathering the streams and with the trees in our forest. We will communicate with Mother Earth, asking permission to be there. We will hike a bit, putting our hands on trees and linking with their energy and with our own hearts.We will then come together around a fire pit to share our experiences.

To attend this gathering, you can become a member of the Soulful Work Community a monthly gathering of like-minded people on a path to consciousness expansion and spiritual growth (first month is free with the coupon code JOINUS). You are not alone on your journey, and we are here to support each other, and learn and grow together.

Here's to families and friends coming together and experiencing joy in 5th dimensional unity consciousness!
May it be so for us all as we invite in light, and connect with the healing power of nature to bring us into the way of joy, empathy, understanding and compassion for all.