Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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There is Always a Way

These certainly are interesting times we are living in. More and more, we are summoning all of our coping tools to manage the turmoil around us. I manage to do this largely by ignoring the news, and focus on building a life for my family that is aligned with the Earth, with freedom, with love and with expanded consciousness. Yet, many people are struggling greatly.

We can call upon Divine guidance to lift us up. And then we might muster the courage to do our inner work - clearing out any lingering old beliefs, stories, ancestral patterns and inner child wounds! it's a process, and when we are gentle with ourselves, accessing the Divine Feminine energy of the Sophia Christ consciousness (like this new meditation on that), we can flow into a way of being that is aligned with our highest and best selves.

I recently received a message from someone who is struggling in her job in the social service industry. She disagrees with some of the new "health safety rules" she is being asked to enforce, if you get my drift. For many people, leaving behind jobs or taking children out of public school brings up deep fears, especially about money and career. These fears may seem real, but we are ALWAYS supported to flow into our highest selves. But here's what I told her, which may be of service to you:

I can only imagine how hard it is to be in a traditional workplace right now. The best advice I can give is to stand in the truth of what feels aligned in your body. It may be that your job is no longer going to serve you, as things too rooted in 3D consciousness (including the social service system, public schools, etc.) are crumbling. And you are ascending into 5D!
So those lower-vibrational things will feel mis-aligned more and more. Write down what you want to feel like in your life -
the Future Self vibration - Get specific and detailed, in the positive and present tense as if it's already your career. In the meantime, do what feels right... maybe in trying to make change in the system (although I wouldn't waste your energy on that too much).
I won't tell you to break any rules, but trust your heart as to what feels right... since some rules that are simply just wrong are meant to be broken! Know that ANYTHING is possible. There is ALWAYS a way.

I believe that support networks for those in need will happen directly neighbor to neighbor and community-based, without a large social service institution being the intermediary. And the future of children's schooling is in grassroots homeschooling co-ops with parents supporting each other, or pooling their money to hire a teacher (lots of teachers will be quitting)!

If you relate to this situation, ask your higher guidance (angels, God, spirit guides, etc.) to help you find the courage to find a new situation for you or your family. Then reach out, talk to people... explore ideas, put yourself out there. Notice what flows and what feels stuck. And then trust that your Divine guides are helping you get there! (I could tell you all some incredible stories about angelic support).

Here/s some tips to help you continue moving into 5D unity consciousness:

1. Begin to trust yourself. Listening to that inner whisper of your intuition guiding you to check out that new thing (surfing? pottery?) that you have been wanting to explore.

2. Start quieting your mind whenever you can. Or, meditation (but if this term is too loaded, use something less heavy, like “stillness” or “quieting the mind”). We do not need to sit for 30 minutes a day (although it could really transform our lives if we did!). Even just one to two minutes of focusing on our breath can help us learn to listen to that little whisper, as opposed to the negative Ego voice and thought chatter.

3. Turn off mainstream media/news. At least until it gets less fear-based and stops fueling people’s anxiety (which is probably never). Right now, that Ego voice (which is designed to keep us safe, but often becomes just fears/doubts/worries holding us back) is strengthened by the constant barrage of information overload. Much of this makes the world seem like a pretty scary place. If you look around at your immediate surroundings, though, chances are you see beauty and goodness all around.

4. Give thanks for at least three things you are grateful for each morning (and anytime really). This raises your personal vibrations to receive the joys and wonders lying out there waiting for you.

5. Talk to something higher than yourself. This is not about religion (unless that works for you)… This is about our souls and the higher realm that exists at that level. There is guidance from a Divine source that wants to help us, it often just cannot get through to us when we are blocking ourselves in fear/worry/anger/any negative emotion. We can reach out to Spirit/God/Source/angels/spirit guides/Ascended Masters/animal guides/a deceased loved one - with whomever we feel comfortable. They can really help us in our lives uncover what our soul purpose is and help guide us along our paths.

6. Tap into the healing power of light. When quieting your mind, imagine light from the higher realm shining on the top of your head (crown chakra). Feel healing from the inside out in your body and stuck energy (which, if not taken care of, can lead to sickness) can be released and healed. And this light can keep you healthy and your immune system STRONG! (All 4 of us in my family have been around this virus on multiple occasions and have been completely fine every time!)

7. Take risks and experiment, explore and test things out. Explore an area that excites but scares you. Reach out to someone to connect (it is often through personal relationships that we are led to a magical place!). Pushing yourself outside of our comfort zones is often where the magic lies! The Ego voice will freak out and tell us not to commit and to worry, but we can calm it down by saying “I’m just trying this out.. just exploring an idea…”

8. Learn about the divine laws of frequencies and vibrations. We all give off frequencies, like radio waves. Even though we cannot see this, we are constantly attracting or repelling other frequencies that will match or that don’t match ours. Take the time to create a vision for your life. What are you doing? How do you feel in this future self? Write about it. Talk about it. Say it. Make it a potential reality and it creates a vibration. Then all we can do is align our current realities to that vibration (it can be tricky and there are soul lessons to be learned along the way).

9. Do the ego shadow work. Make sure that you work to clear any limiting beliefs (thoughts that in your head that sound like "I can't/won't/it will never", etc.). These will try to stop you from expanding - and are crucial to clear. It can take time, but with dedicated inner work (writing, verbal processing and sometimes accessing the subconscious mind through techniques like hypnosis), these old stories can be removed from your consciousness.

This will help us collectively heal and move into a higher, freer, more loving way of being (and save the planet). And really, it's essential that as many of us do this as possible right now. The good news is that many of us are doing this!