Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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The Divine Laws of Free Will and Destiny

Dear shifter of consciousness,

These are glorious, and confusing, times, aren't they? I have been enjoying summer, just allowing in the feeling of being present and of enjoying loved ones and nature. And when I lie on the Earth in the morning, observe my breath and feel my heart open as the birds sing around me, I feel a deep sense that everything will be alright.

I am doing my best to ignore the nonsense from the 3D matrix, and enjoying finding common ground with my family members who are still in it, focusing on what brings us together rather than what tears us apart.

I also know that the ones-attempting-to-control-us are also trying to keep us in fear.

Let's remember that there are some Divine laws in play that cannot be violated. (I was writing about this in the book I'm working on last night and share more below.) One of these is the Law of Free Will. We are in control of our lives, and this cannot be given away. The only way others are in control is if we BELIEVE they can control us.

But those in power CANNOT control us. Be careful of where you give your energy.

If you are getting angry, channel that anger. Release it. They want to use our emotions of anger/fear against us! (Remember how Luke Skywalker stayed true to the Force in Star Wars?)

It can be difficult to navigate varying viewpoints with others in our lives. We are seeing medical discrimination happening very blatantly, and many are seeing how very wrong this is and beginning to see what's really going on.

We cannot be divided, we are all humans!

Still, how do we interact with others who have different perspectives in a in a healthy way, that is loving yet honors our truths?

I love to think about Jesus. This is not religious for me. This wise Master comes to me in the Akashic Records and I gratefully receive his wisdom and love. What would Jesus have done? He would have risen above. He would have tried to forgive them. But he also spoke out against injustice when it was so blatant.

Similarly, we can come from the heart and observe what we feel in our hearts, or what feels aligned in each moment. Sometimes we speak up, sometimes we say nothing. Before each action/choice, check in with your body.

Your body knows.

And then... go outside! Be in nature. Find joy. Don't let those trying to run things drag us into their crazy dystopian nightmare.

My heart breaks for those who are being subject to discrimination in workplaces, colleges and schools. If this is you, I'm so sorry.

Try to remember that there are always lessons to learn in any situation. As challenging as it is, how can you stay in your sovereignty and personal power, standing up for yourself and what is right, and also coming from a place of love and compassion?

Your heart will guide you, and you are not alone.

Reach out for help and support from like-minded people (like in this community)!


The Divine Laws of Free Will and Destiny/Fate: A Book Excerpt

I have been immersed in editing the book I'm working on. Here's an excerpt on Divine laws that I think may be helpful. These "laws" are what I believe deeply to be true, as I have experienced them over and over and see these apply to clients. Use if you will, discard if you like.

The Divine laws that oversee all things are immutable. Like the Law of Gravity, these laws are not up for debate; they simply just are. The problem is that these laws have been hidden from us from those who run things. We were not taught this as children in public school or by our parents (I didn’t learn about it until my 20s). Those in power did not want us to know how to harness these forces in our lives. Why? Because then we could no longer be controlled.

It might help to understand a few of these Divine laws as we make sense of what's happening and how to deal.

Here they are as I have experienced them, and have witnessed them with clients, repeatedly and without fail.

The Law of Destiny (Fate): We decide the circumstances, and certain major events, in our lives before we are born to help us learn as souls. We have no memory of these choices as we (or our Higher Self, which is our soul in the spirit realm) made them pre-incarnation with the help of spiritual guides. These situations are pre-determined to help us learn a lesson that we decided was important for our soul growth. This often has to do with balancing out karma from past lives. For instance, we may choose to be born into a family who will abuse us to learn forgiveness, or we may choose to be born into a physically handicapped body to learn unconditional self-love. In the spirit realm, we make agreements with others who incarnate with us to help us learn, and we help them learn in kind. These people who we incarnate with repeatedly are part of our “soul group.” This agreement with these people in our soul group, is otherwise known as our “soul contract.

Things just happen to us without us doing anything consciously or subconsciously to bring them about, and we don’t know why. Some people find the Law of Destiny hard to accept when it comes to tragic events/circumstances. They may believe that this Law makes it seem like blame is being placed on the person experiencing the hardship, as if it is their fault in some way. With time and reflection, they may come around. I have talked with many people who have eventually come to understand this Divine Law of Destiny as an explanation of why a tragedy has occurred in their lives. In fact, it can help them in their healing process to release any misdirected anger at God or a higher power for “allowing” such a tragedy to happen.

The Law of Free Will: While the Law of Destiny is still in effect since the circumstances have already been laid out in our soul contracts, we have the ability to make choices once we have incarnated in a body. The conscious choices we make in various situations are how we learn. Like a child learning to manage emotions, we may not always make the best choices. Even if we decide upon an unhealthy course of action (in a pre-determined situation), we will have endless opportunities to make better choices throughout our lives! The Law of Free Will is about our personal responsibility. The concept of personal responsibility is a very important one that humanity has to learn, as the Masters (wise beings of light and love) in the Akashic Records have shared with me over and over. We are accountable for our own decisions. There are consequences to each and every choice we make (the Law of Cause and Effect), and we will come to terms with these choices when we do our life review after we die. Too often, we fall into victimhood and abnegate our roles in situations over which we had more control than we may have believed. While there are Divine forces supporting us in our lives, they will not do the work for us. Like a child learning to ride a bike, we need to act independently to move toward the ultimate goal of self-actualization!