Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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Holding the Light in 2023

I hope that you have felt some healing and moments of pause and joy in this past week.

While I personally have varying beliefs about the true nature of Christmas and its origins, the light in this time period is magical. The joy felt by so many children around the world is palpable. And, the winter solstice is the true embodiment of the Christed energy within us all.

The winter solstice was a landmark for an amplification of the energy. The new year of 2023 is an opportunity to really channel that energy with our free will (a Divine Law we can access anytime) to co-create our realities the way we would like. For me personally, as December 30th is the day of my birth, I especially like to use the end of the year to regroup, reset, pause and reflect. 

A few days ago, my daughter and I attended a children's Reiki class offered by a homeschooling mom friend. I sat and watched these 5 children listen and learn all day with open hearts. They quieted their minds in a nature spot and with a special tree. They learned to create an energy ball, a sphere of light in their hands, to bring to their hearts and then to share with others in Reiki (for pets, plants and humans). They learned hand positions to place on the body and to allow the light to do its work. Then, I received hands-on healing from my 7-year old daughter. This was an experience that was one of the most magical in my life and hard for me to put into words.

These children, like little Jedi Padawans, are receiving training to fully embody their missions as light-workers here on Earth.

For us Indigo light warrior adults, we didn't learn this stuff until we were adults. I had no idea what Reiki even was until I was in my 20s. These children now have an incredible preparation to carry them forward into the future, for the healing that they will be doing to hold the vibration of light in the New Earth. 

This gives me an immense amount of hope.

When we look around us and see so much chaos, division, anger, sadness, confusion and struggle, it can lead us to thoughts of despair.

But when we acknowledge how far we have come as a human race, and that young children are learning how to channel light as awakened starseeds walking the Earth, we remember.

We remember that this has been prophesied, and that these little ones are here to help us all move into the age of unity, peace, understanding, love, healing and joy.

In the meantime, we adults have another job - to clear all our s$%# that has been blocking us from also embodying that light.

We have to face up to our fears, remove old patterns, connect with our wounded Inner Child, forgive ourselves, learn from mistakes and take personal responsibility for our self-actualization as we step into unconditional love for ourselves and for others. 

Just a few things. 

But we have time. And, we are given endless opportunities through varying life situations to do this.

All in this lifetime.

Whew! It's a lot. Remember to rest too.

On December 31st, I will take a moment to create my own sphere of light in my hands and in my heart to visualize how I would like my year of 2023 to go. I personally am setting the intention to embody peace and unity for humanity, as I continue my work supporting clients one on one to heal and awaken.

In a recent podcast interview on Mystical Lodge radio, I found myself talking about the five-step process of soul growth I do with clients, which I eventually named the Soulful Work Method framework. It was fascinating to re-visit this process of what I do clients every day. This is the process I put into my book and in a 10-month program, working on three levels: 1) with the conscious mind (coaching, goal-setting, writing), 2) with the subconscious (guided imagery, meditation, hypnotherapy) and 3) with the superconscious (intuitive readings, light). This Venn diagram shows the process and continues to support people's journey toward their Higher Self today.

Also in 2023, I will do my best in groups to teach others to move through this process to clear Ego, read their own Akashic Records and be guided by their Higher Self in all they do (and in the 2023 Soulful Work Method Intuitive Guide program - now 3 spots left and Early Bird ends Friday, January 6! - you will be able to do this too - to heal, grow and receive your own adult Padawan training).

My intentions are more of the same, and to keep expanding and growing. I personally have been doing some ancestral healing with the maternal and the sister wound, observing this showing up in a mirror with some others around me, and then setting the boundary of love and strength as I do my best to observe and heal from my own triggers. It's been a mystifying, challenging yet freeing process.

Wishing you each a blessed New Year filled with light-filled intentions and co-creations as we each learn to channel the light within us, holding space for our own healing as we gently carry that light in every situation and into every relationship we are guided into.