Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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Four Lessons I've Learned in the Past Few Years

Things continue to be quite intense here on Earth. This past week felt like a whole lot of full moon energy, without the full moon!

We are seeing the patterns more and more, and recognizing the truth beneath the illusions, in our individual lives and collectively. 

This week is Thanksgiving in the United States. While most of us have conflicting feelings about celebrating a holiday that may have been based on a half-truth, I personally will still be celebrating the opportunity to express gratitude and to be with family.

Even though I am aware of the illusion, I choose to focus on the deeper opportunity for growth that the energy of the season brings. I love the holidays, and try to use this time to give and to be kind even more than usual. (Speaking of sharing gifts, this Shining Your Light Meditation is a recent musing and  meditation I did to help us heal all our inner parts with light so that we can be a light for others...)

As with so many things, we can transmute that which may have been based in a lie, or in darkness, into light.

Like many of you, I have spent the past few years looking at my own triggers/deep-seated beliefs and trying to learn from them. When the shadows of my own Ego arise in the form of unpleasant situations, I do my best to look deeper into what's beneath - to learn from the situation (which is why we are each here incarnated on Earth).

Here are a few lessons I have learned this year so far:

  • Let it go. It's not worth holding a grudge against someone who has wronged you. Yes, they may have done something not nice to you. And maybe you will learn from that experience and protect yourself in the future. But I've come to believe that it's not always in my best interest (or theirs) to speak up about it. It's true that sometimes speaking up/standing up for ourselves is the lesson, but at other times, it may be best just to let it go. The heart knows what is right.

    • Real-life example: I recently worked with a client who had uncovered some anger at her sister for an event in her childhood, one that she had not been consciously aware of until we did an inner child regression. By expressing her feelings of disbelief about her sister not helping her in a traumatic experience (which we "re-created" as a new scene), she was able to release the emotion and move toward forgiveness in waking life of her sister.

  • Gratitude is king. Since our brains are wired toward negative thinking, it can take extra effort to focus on the positive. When we make note of the simple things that we are thankful for (the sun, legs to walk on, our pets, etc.), we open our hearts and raise our energetic vibrations to align with the frequency of gratitude and all that goes with it (joyful opportunities and experiences that will come to us via the Law of Resonance).

    • Real-life example: A client who had experienced a series of frustrating external events and I talked about the importance of gratitude. She has been keeping a gratitude journal, and makes it a practice of giving thanks for little things every day. This is helping her feel better, and also bringing more and more goodness into her life.

  • There's a lesson in everything. When something happens that we don't understand or that makes us uncomfortable, there's always a reason.We may not know what the lesson is in the moment, but we can ask our Divine guidance to help us so we can move through any painful learning more easily.

    • Real-life example:  I see a heartbreakingly high number clients who have experienced abuse in their childhood from family members. One client in particular has been focused on healing this trauma for a number of years. Yet, it wasn't until an Akashic Records reading that she received the information that she, as her Higher Self pre-incarnation, chose the experiences she had with her family. In fact, they had abused her in many other lifetimes (playing different roles). But in those past lives, she blamed herself for their actions and sunk into states of shame and depression. To finally break the pattern, she knew similar circumstances needed to be present in this lifetime. But this time around, she is making different choices about how she perceives herself. With guidance from her spirit guides and angels, she is learning to love and accept herself, rather than fall back into the story of her "deserving" what happened to her.

  • We should be kinder to ourselves. Earth is a tough school. Just being human here is hard. We are breaking patterns that our ancestors passed onto us (of abuse, depression, shame, people-pleasing, etc.) and we are breaking our own past-life patterns as well. This can feel like paddling a canoe upstream. So be gentle with yourself! You're doing the best you can. Yes, you may have made mistakes, but you have learned from them. That's all we can do is keep learning from the past and making new choices based on our new discoveries.

    • Real-life example: A past client was repeatedly told as a child that she wan't capable of doing much in her life by both her mother and grandmother. She heard these words as truth at a deep level. Eventually, she developed a hard, outer shell to protect herself from further harm, at a subconscious, Wounded Inner Child level. She also carried around a lot of negative self-talk, beating herself up a lot. We worked on re-framing some of these thoughts in an Ego exercise (there are Ego exercises like these in my newly-revised Develop Your Intuition online course), and did some hypnotherapy, along with spending time in the Akashic Records. This helped her learn to speak more kindly to herself, which in turn has led to more peace and flow in her life.

The more we notice the lessons that are there for us, the more we can flow through them. In the years of inner work I have done for myself, through meditation, re-programming my subconscious and in the Akashic Records, I have accepted that the wheel of dharma continues to turn as we move through the cycles of life. Just as the seasons change, it's to be expected that we will move through easier times and then through harder times, and through times that feel a little bit in-between. 

But with tools like meditation, accessing higher guidance and Ego awareness, we can understand and flow through the tough situations with grace.

We would never speak to a child the way we speak to ourselves! Yet we each have a delicate Inner Child within that could use our tenderness.

One of the biggest learnings that we humans have to do is to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, with all our flaws. 

I am learning this right along with you. It takes practice but gets easier with time.

In the spirit of self-acceptance, 


P.S. Some of you may not know that I do deep, long-term work with folks who are struggling with how to manage their varying life circumstances. I invite you to check out these new intensive healing offerings (a 2-month Soul Growth or  5-month Future Self Activation focus) focused on clearing what's held in the subconscious mind for lasting change.