Accessing the Divine in Every Moment
Dear light carrier,
I have been moving through life quickly after returning from Arizona and I haven’t given myself much time to pause. This weekend, I took the opportunity to meditate and access my Akashic Records for an extended amount of time.
I realized that I have actually been operating in alignment with my Higher Self for much more of the time than I had believed.
After years of meditation and trying to tap into intuition and receive guidance, I feel like I’m at long last in a space where I am flowing with that energy most of the time.
This helps in the down times. I still feel deep pain and sadness over the loss of relationships, and experience a sort of “cognitive dissonance” at how extreme this loss has been. While there are so many new, lovely relationships in my life now, the old friends and connections are almost all gone. It’s kind of shocking, actually.
My inner child wants to be sure that I didn’t do anything wrong… that I’m not “bad.”
When I tap into the higher perspective in the Records, I see that I am walking a different path. And that's okay. I am a different person now in many way.
I used to be two separate selves.
I would keep my spiritual side separate… hidden. I didn’t understand that every moment, however mundane and trivial, is an opportunity to experience the Divine, and could be a pre-destined moment of soul growth and learning.
Just today as we were at a nearby lake and my husband and kids were fishing, I was reading a book (about past life regression of course), my son caught a fish. My husband was helping release the fish but the hook wasn’t coming out easily. I didn’t want the fish to suffer, so I asked Archangel Ariel (the archangel who helps animals) to help the fish get freed. And a few moments later, the fish swam away.
It’s little instances like this that I realize how my consciousness is more and more integrated with the realm of Spirit, and how good that feels. While this integration has taken a lot of practice and dedication, it hasn’t been hard.
In fact, asking for guidance from my spirit guides, angels and Ascended Masters, has brought me a sense of comfort and understanding about why things occur in my life, and about how to move through the hard times and find gratitude for the good.
Supporting clients in individual sessions as well as teaching groups to tap into intuition themselves has been one of my greatest joys.
With all this energy asking us to clear old patterns and fears, what can keep us going, and give us a sense of hope, is the light and the love that permeates everything around us, and is always accessible to us.
We just have to take a moment to tap into it to feel it…
Along the lines of entering the spirit realm, many of us have been experiencing lots of sickness and death this year. We have dealt with some of this in our household, mostly among our animals. So many fish have exited the realm, and we lost a handful of chicks to a bloodthirsty predator living in our house (otherwise known as our dog). We try to honor the lives of these creatures one by one, and also trust that their souls are exiting the Earth plane for a reason.
We did get new chicks (pictured here) who are doing well and thriving with extra protection. With these experiences (among other wildlife in our yard), we have been faced with the harsh reality of the cycles of birth and death. In the midst of sadness, we have come to appreciate the fragility of life and to appreciate each moment of breath with get.
We apply this same respect for life to plants as well. Thanks to our homeschool co-op, we get to learn from local herbalists about plants, like how to make dandelion fritters and harvest violets for essential oil.
With a full heart and an appreciation for life,
:) Rachel
P.S. Free Downloadable Graphics!
Did you know that there are an array of downloadable graphics like this Archangels and Their Power handout on the Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose (my recent book) website?
Topics include short meditations, ways to quiet the mind in everyday moments, how to open the third eye, the Ego vs. the Higher Self, Ascended Masters, flowing with abundance, protecting energy and creating the New Earth!
And they are all free.
I invite you to check them out, print out a few, and pick up a copy of the book for yourself or a friend while you're at it.