Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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Accessing the Space of No Thought

Dear soul braving the elements as I am,

I hope that this finds you warm and cozy where you are. Here in Maine, we have been hunkering down in some cold for the past few days. Whenever I get a chance, I go outside to soak up those beautiful rays of sun, as we did with some friends while cross-country skiing and snowshoeing on a frozen lake the other day.

I have been busy with client sessions, booking out a month in advance these days. It's truly a blessing to be able to support courageous people diving in deep to their inner healing. (Some of you may not know that I receive hypnotherapy regularly myself!)

Each morning I take time to quiet my mind, to connect in with Source energy, the light of All That Is.

This really sets the tone for my day. I highly recommend doing this as a practice.

With this time for stillness, after a few breaths and clearing out of thoughts, we are able settle into openness, into the white space of no thought. In this quiet is consciousness, expansiveness and possibility. We are reuniting with the oneness, the indescribable feeling that everything has been and will always be okay. It's so powerful. Here is a 10-Minute Light meditation that is a version of what I do most mornings and that you might enjoy as well.

This can be especially important when we are finding it hard to get out of the doldrums of winter.

Maybe you're not feeling super optimistic or motivated by much these days.

Sometimes it takes a change of scenery to inspire us and bring in a higher vibration of flow and love.

And, it’s one thing to take some minutes in the morning to go inward. It’s absolutely beneficial, and yet it’s also easy to get distracted. And, if you’re not used to it, it may not feel that deep all the time.

That’s one of the reasons I’m offering this oceanside retreat in Maine. I’m going to help a small group go deep and learn how to better and more reliably access Divine guidance. It’s happening in just a few weeks, away from the distractions of your life, surrounded by beauty, where it’s easy to go deep. In this space of beauty and stillness, it is much easier to connect with the state of "no thought" to connect with the energy of oneness. You'll receive tools to take home so you can integrate new habits into your daily life.

I look forward to seeing you there if this is calling to you! Otherwise, I encourage you to just carve out time for stillness every day (going outdoors too when you can). 

In the spirit of quiet, 


P.S. If you can't make the retreat, you can still learn some ways to access altered states of consciousness in an online Akashic Records workshop I'm offering next week, on the evening of February 28th.

P.P.S. If you have my recent book and liked it, it would be truly awesome if you wanted to share some love with a 5-star review for the Tools for the Awakening Soul book on Amazon.