Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting

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Healing from the Past Few Years... with Spiritual Guidance

Dear ascending one,

It sure is an interesting time to be alive.

In my life, things are quite busy. Just last week, I had a lovely time with many of you in the Intuition Myth-Busting class. It was a new format of just talking with you and answering your questions, and I really enjoyed it (some of the questions really kept me on my toes)! I hope it was helpful for you as well.

Sometimes there are so many things going on in my head that I wonder how I manage to keep track of it all. (One thing that is new are my updated logo colors! Thank you to my gifted friend Erica Pearl for helping me with them.)

To stay centered, every morning I walk out into the woods with my dog, near a stream and stretch, give thanks and invite in light. It is such a grounding practice that keeps me centered and helps me feel that everything is okay.

I have needed to do this practice more than ever in the past 3 1/2 years. These were some of the most difficult for many of us. 

Like many of you, I went through phases of disbelief, anger, sadness, shock.... all the stages of grief. I spent a lot of time in the Akashic Records trying to understand what was occurring and how I could be and cope with something that was so bewildering. 

Upon reflecting back, I see how much I personally have learned and grown. I have spent a lot of time thinking and talking privately with friends about how to heal and move forward as a collective with such differing opinions at such a high stake as human life. For a while I thought that talking about it and processing it more publicly with a group, even among those who do not feel the same, might help us all. But that approach didn't seem to be right. (Maybe it will someday, I hope.)

I'm honestly not sure of what the path to healing looks like for us humans here on Earth. But I do know that, to me at least, it feels like unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion for others (and ourselves) and practicing that in as many small moments as possible. This can be difficult to do when we have felt so hurt. And yet, love is the only way out of this - rising above the past and just letting it go. Not waiting for apologies (although offering an apology might be a good idea, even if it's not required) ... just forgiving.

I repeatedly received the guidance to "rise above" in the Akashic Records but at first I didn't understand how to live this way, or what it meant to rise above. I didn't really know what it looked like to let something go in my daily life.

(To help invite in this vibration, I will be doing the free Circle of Light meditation this Wednesday evening, April 24th from 8-8:20 pm on Practicing Unconditional Lovehere on Zoom. Come join!)

But I kept asking, and I would receive bits of guidance, mostly from the Masters/Council of Elders. But I also would hear from Jesus, one of my primary guides, and also from my grandfather and other ancestors helping me navigate family dynamics.

Since then, I have helped many clients heal in this way as well. Some of you similarly may be wondering how to navigate all the energies around you, relationships with others and just the intensity of what feels like is coming at us constantly in the world. (Hint: be careful of how much you read the news!) 

If you want to tap into loving forms of higher guidance, but you aren't sure how to connect, you may find it helpful to focus on developing your intuition. There are many ways to do this. Some of these are:

1) meditation to learn to receive Divine information while quieting the conscious mind

2) clear fears/doubts/limiting beliefs with targeted writing exercises, meditations and cognitive approaches

3) learn more about how to align with the vibration of Spirit through light, prayer, intention and yes, even imagination

4) begin to read your own Akashic Records to receive powerful guidance on your soul purpose, life lessons, past lives and even connect with deceased loved ones.

5) learn some quick visualization exercises on how to open your third eye

We will do all of this together in an upcoming 5-week online class I’m offering, called Intuition Development 101.

It’s a class that meets once a week for 2 hours on a Monday evening, live on Zoom. You’ll have a chance to work on writing exercises to tackle the protective Ego, participate in guided meditations to meet various forms of Spirit and even enter your own Akashic Records in the classes.

For this class series, I am happy to offer a "Pay from the Heart" option as a way to make this work more financially accessible to whoever wants to partake. This option is good through this Thursday, April 25th. Please reach out with any questions!

Thank you for walking this journey with me, and for your courage in all that you do each day in your life.

With a deep bow,
