This work is ideal for conscious souls of all kinds.

We will work well together if you are:

  • intuitive, awake or awakening. You see into the true nature of reality and question what you are told.

  • a sensitive and kind soul who cares deeply about making the world a better place. You love all people, no matter what, deep down.

  • courageous and have enduring strength in their beliefs. You have solid ethical values (around personal choice and freedom yet also honoring the desires of others) that guide you. You want to do the right thing, even when it feels hard.

  • beginning to understand that you are a Divine being of light. You are learning to connect to Source (to God) and want to develop your intuitive gifts.

  • deeply respectful of the Earth. You want to help her heal and live in oneness with all sentient beings, including Mother Earth.

  • ready to unconditionally love others and yourself. You want to learn how to forgive, to release grudges and accept others for who they are, even if you don’t understand or agree with their choices.

  • are grounded and down-to-earth. You are open to alternative ways of thinking but also connected to reality (whatever that means).

  • open to some “conspiracy theories” but also skeptical too of others. I have come to believe some conspiracy theories are true, and that some aren’t. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle, and at some level it’s almost impossible to know what’s real and what’s not. Either way, focusing on the fear-based stuff is not going to help us get where we’re going - in fact some of these ideas just keep us in anger and fear (which are used to manipulate us further). These emotions are not for our highest good - love is the way. You trust your heart in what resonates and discard the rest.

  • skeptical of political parties, left or right. You know there’s a better way to live than within the systems that have become corrupted.

  • unplugging (or already have) from the mainstream systems of control (in education, health, finances, government, etc.). You want to break free from the “matrix” of the 3D world. You don’t trust authority and you question pretty much everything. You use critical thinking to come to your own conclusions, from a heart-based place.

  • have a sense of humor about life. While this is intense work, I like to joke around sometimes. Hey, it’s not supposed to be so serious all the time!

  • like chickens. (If you come in person, you’ll probably see them wandering around the yard!)

  • Bonus: If you like thought leaders, writers and intuitives like Dolores Cannon, Barbara Marciniak, Michael Newton, Edgar Cayce, Sylvia Brown, Barbara Hand Clow, Kryon (Lee Carroll), Kaia Ra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), Eckhart Tolle, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Charles Eisenstein, Jane Roberts (the Seth material) and some other random channeled books, we will click especially well. If you are fascinated in the extra-terrestrials and the truth about humanity, I would be especially excited about that.

If these sound like you, we would flow very nicely together! You may want to explore individual sessions with me, or check out some of the classes I offer.

Or if you’re not quite ready to dive in yet, learn more about how this all works.

We likely are not meant to work together in a deep way if you are:

  • not ready to go into the depths of the subconscious mind. If you’re scared to see what’s in there, you’re probably not quite ready yet for hypnotherapy or inner child work. An Akashic Records reading could be helpful to start instead.

  • not willing to do the inner work required to make change. You may enjoy listening to meditations, but working with me individually is probably not going to be helpful until you are prepared to commit to personal transformation.

  • a fundamentalist with rigid political or religious beliefs and/or biases. I am not into in dogma, doctrine or judgment. It might be hard for us to connect if there’s some entrenched views in your sphere that are not open to new thought.

  • struggling with severe mental illness. This work may not be appropriate for your wellbeing at this time.

If you said “yes” to some of these things above, don’t worry. You can still enjoy listening to meditations or maybe checking out my book.