When the Universe Speaks to Us

"Spirit Guide" was on the cover of the Portland Phoenix today.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that, since we don't usually hear about spirit guides in the media. The Universe speaks to us all the time, but we don't always listen or notice.  It could be that I'm just noticing little messages from the universe more, or that we all are just getting them more.  Either way, it also seems that more of us are seeing the other realms that exist to offer us guidance.. to show us we don't have to go it alone in this life.  Sometimes we just have to ask, literally ask very specifically, around what we would like support or guidance.  I have been amazed at the answers.  Sometimes they are whimsical and literally are on roadside signs.  I once asked for a sign that I was doing was the right thing by ending a relationship.  Soon after, I drove by a stoneware/gardening store with a sign that said "You on the Right Path."  I almost swerved off the road. This is just one example of many.

In the past few months, I have been experiencing a spiritual "waking up."  While this has happened several times over the past 10 years, I intend now to make spirituality the roots grounding me in my life. 

Now, I notice messages and signs like these from my guides/angels/maybe even God several times a day. It is comforting to know that there are loving beings looking out for me, that have my back. And a sense of humor too.


Rachel White

Merging the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves through this massive, planetary shift in consciousness. Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel facilitates groups of soul-seekers and spiritual entrepreneurs, has a meditation podcast called The Courageous Path and writes for various online publications. With a diploma in Integrative Healing Arts from the Southwest Institute for Healing Arts, Rachel is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, life coach, reader of the Akashic Records, and aspiring homesteader. Rachel also has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, yet claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. She recently wrote a book called Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose. Rachel now lives in mid-coast Maine where she and her husband homeschool their two bright, energetic children. You can find Rachel, along with meditations and writing tools, at www.soulfulworkconsulting.com.