The Common Human Experience
/It occurred to me when reading a comment to the last blog post that we all have the same experiences and same emotions. We all go through various, similar states of joy, pain, love, excitement, worry... We just go through them at different moments in our lives (or in past lives). The Minor Arcana of the deck of Tarot cards represent different human emotions. 56 of these cards represent all human emotions that have ever existed throughout time (the Minor Arcana cards reversed can bring about 112). That's 112 emotions that all human beings experience during our lives. That means that we can all relate almost perfectly to each other and understand each other, since we all know what various emotions feel like. This might be why when we watch a really sad movie, or hear about a tragedy that has happened, we often cry, especially if we can relate more personally. While we don't like to feel sad, it is actually a beautiful thing that we can empathize on that level with other human beings. Some people are natural empaths and actually experience the emotions of others unwittingly on a very deep level (several weeks ago I felt the deep sadness of a stranger I was telling a story to). Empaths need to protect themselves from too many emotions overwhelming their energy bodies.
We are all connected through our emotions, through our energy, through our thoughts. We could communicate telepathically (once again) if we opened ourselves up to it. We are in separate bodies, but our consciousness is one. Some might call this the Universal Life Force, or God, that lives within each of us.