Self-Inquiry in this Lifetime

These activation energies around the planet and swirling through us as humans are subtle. They have been building for years. Think about where you were 10 years ago and what you were interested in. Chances are it wasn't nearly as spiritual as it is now. 

That's part of the shifting... people are wondering what it means to have a soul, who they have been in past lives, what their innate gifts are in their current bodies and how to be of service on Earth. We are asking deeper questions that our loved ones who came before us often didn't. In the 1900s and early 2000s, life was just about getting by for many. Working, surviving, and numbing the pain of an existence that lacked meaning with alcohol or other substances.

We are making different choices and seeing through the illusions of the matrix. We are freeing ourselves. We are learning how to love ourselves unconditionally and therefore the collective.

When we look at how far we have come in our own lives, and as a human race, we see the shifting. 

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The Karmic Consequences of Fear (and Personal Responsibility)

And then, during a meditative experience the other day, I received what I can best call a download of information about the past three years.
Here is what came to me:
In the past few years, humans chose to experience consequences of fear. They chose the experience of a rude awakening.

As a collective mass of souls, they knew they had to learn to take responsibility for their actions. This was a free will experience.
I’m going to do my best to interpret this, as I didn’t totally understand it myself.
It seems like what they (guides/Ascended Masters, I believe) were trying to convey to me that this situation was pre-determined by these souls as a way to have a jolted, rapid soul learning.

This had a lot to do with personal responsibility and learning about what happens when you allow others to think for you, rather than to think for yourself. 

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Inner Child Healing to Become the Future You

I see this occurring a lot with clients. Even when we do lots of meditation and Ego awareness work, there's often still something that doesn't feel quite right. It's resistance, procrastination, even paralysis. That's usually because there's a need that is being met by the subconscious mind (often the Inner Child) by using old, unhelpful habits/negative coping mechanisms. In parts therapy/guided imagery (like mild hypnosis), we connect with that part, ask her what she needs, how she feels, what ideas she has for healing and then remind her that we, as our Adult Selves, have tools now to help us cope with new, positive habits... and to allow us to feel safe enough to explore our emotions in the first place.

When this reconciliation is done with our Inner Child and our Adult Self, with the mediation and support of a loving Spirit Guide comforting that child, we find that we are able to move forward. It's kind of miraculous. 

Often we are completely unaware of a feeling or a need that our Inner Child has... and one of the only ways to access it is by delving into the subconscious mind. 

This inner work is life-changing... and it's ultimately freeing. 

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