Accessing the Divine in Every Moment

Just today as we were at a nearby lake and my husband and kids were fishing, I was reading a book (about past life regression of course), my son caught a fish. My husband was helping release the fish but the hook wasn’t coming out easily. I didn’t want the fish to suffer, so I asked Archangel Ariel (the archangel who helps animals) to help the fish get freed. And a few moments later, the fish swam away.
It’s little instances like this that I realize how my consciousness is more and more integrated with the realm of Spirit, and how good that feels. While this integration has taken a lot of practice and dedication, it hasn’t been hard.

In fact, asking for guidance from my spirit guides, angels and Ascended Masters, has brought me a sense of comfort and understanding about why things occur in my life, and about how to move through the hard times and find gratitude for the good.

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Ascend Into Light by Separating from Ego (a.k.a. the Inner Critic)

We must clear the darkness to allow the light.

And we can only know the light by acknowledging the dark.

For me personally, the head-scratching nature of "cancel culture" has left me fascinated. The disappearing of old friendships and the dimensional split of those mired in 3D drama versus those ascending into 5D has never been so palpable.

From a higher, Divine perspective, we understand it.

Everyone moves into higher states of consciousness at their own rates.

But, from the practical, human perspective, the loss of relationships (and of jobs, living situations and ways of being) is still a grieving process we are going through. We must allow ourselves to heal and to reassure our Inner Child(s) that we are okay.

If we don't take time to heal, our negative, protective Ego can rear its head.

It can focus on internalizing blame (why we are not enough or bad). Or it can shift toward externalizing blame onto others (that they are bad/wrong).

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Dealing with our "Stuff": Accessing Our Inner Child

Like a volcano that is erupting from the top (rather than spewing out the sides), which is how many of us dealt with unwanted feelings before, all of our "stuff" is bursting out, front and center, to be dealt with. Now. This is our dark night of the soul. I can only hope that we emerge more healthy as we detox from all of the gunk that has been simmering beneath the surface... all overflowing. It can be easy to feel buried by it. But then again, many, many people are all experiencing varying levels of this. We are together. We are not all experiencing this equally, as many are suffering much more than others, but we are all being affected. And at this point, nothing would surprise me anymore (which is kind of liberating in a way).

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