The Karmic Consequences of Fear (and Personal Responsibility)
/And then, during a meditative experience the other day, I received what I can best call a download of information about the past three years.
Here is what came to me:
In the past few years, humans chose to experience consequences of fear. They chose the experience of a rude awakening.
As a collective mass of souls, they knew they had to learn to take responsibility for their actions. This was a free will experience.
I’m going to do my best to interpret this, as I didn’t totally understand it myself.
It seems like what they (guides/Ascended Masters, I believe) were trying to convey to me that this situation was pre-determined by these souls as a way to have a jolted, rapid soul learning.
This had a lot to do with personal responsibility and learning about what happens when you allow others to think for you, rather than to think for yourself.