Being Present: Weather, Pole Shifts and Divine Guidance
/Dear conscious one,
With summer here, it's a beautiful time to give thanks for the greenery, the gifts of the Earth and the sun (even when it seems like more rain than sun, there's still blessings in the rain!).
Speaking of that, some of us are starting to wonder just what's going on with all the weird weather - is it natural or artificial? We know weather manipulation is real, but how much of this is due to that? Or is it part of the Earth ascending into higher frequencies due to pole shifts? How do we cope, either way?
I share more in this video about what I picked up on this in the Akashic Records, from Gaia (the Earth) herself and from my Pleiadian friends. There is great power being generated from within the core of the Earth, and nothing a certain small group of humans do matches that. We are being asked to focus on the ascension of Earth into 5D, putting our attention on the highest timeline, visualizing light (and sun!) coming in.
I have been doing my best to practice doing all this with my family - focusing on the highest timeline by being present, in the light. Recently, we have been basking in summer as much as we can - art camp, boating, fishing, meals on the patio, and hanging out with friends. Yet I, like you all, continue to focus on aligning my consciousness with my highest self, as part of our moving into 5th dimensional living, I realized that I needed to shift my attention from the future to the present.
Sometimes we forget how to just be.
I realized that my striving for the next thing I was working on in my life was bringing up some bizarre, irrational thoughts. One morning, in meditation, I decided to tunnel into the feeling (which was a green, spiky emotion in my solar plexus). It led me to a past life, a new scene in a past life I was familiar with (in an old English country village where I would teach children about magic but was persecuted for it). I re-lived some moments, and then talked to my past life self to help her heal and to re-write the story.
I then brought in some new mantras (reframed thoughts - which my clients are very familiar with and which I share a lot about in my book, as many of you know). I have been using those mantras and working on flipping the thoughts around in the past few days and some incredible things have happened around me, and for me as a result.
When we can be in the present moment (and this has been coming up a lot in sessions for clients), we move into a state of receiving the gifts that the universe (or our Divine guides/angels) want to send us.
With the 4th of July celebration upon us, it's a time to practice being in a state of receiving... to bask in the energy of joy, and fun. I have been given the message by my spirit team (Archangel Michael in particular) that life isn't supposed to be so serious!
Yes, we can give our attention to all the bad, scary things that seem to be happening around us, or threatening to happen around us (which is what the mainstream news does nonstop), or we can shift our perspective to what is good and real.
This doesn't mean we are denying what doesn't feel good, but we are choosing to focus our energies on peace, patience, inner calm and, eventually, maybe even joy.
Here is an excerpt from my book (Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose) on receiving and vibrational alignment with our highest selves, especially with the help of our spirit guides and angels (angels in particular can help shift energy in powerful ways):
An easy way to create the vibration of “receiving” is by writing down at least three things you’re grateful for every morning and every evening. Of course, you can also just think about what you’re grateful for, but when we write things down, our minds see words on paper and start to believe that they are real.
With gratitude and high-vibration emotions, over time, your focus will shift to noticing the good in your life. In the process of taking action and adjusting your actions to align with flow, your vibrational level can become high enough that it matches that of your Future Self vibration. As your heart opens to gratitude, it also opens to align with your vision. With your intuition guiding you along the way, your life begins to unfold before your eyes!
Another way of viewing the Law of Resonance in co-creating our Future Selves is through the lens of Divine guidance. When we ask angels and guides to help, they respond by sending us ideas, opportunities and people (we will discuss this more in Chapter 11 on Angels and Divine Guidance).
In the meantime, notice what seems to come into your path. Is there a thought or idea that keeps coming back to you over and over (often through another person)? I believe that Spirit speaks to us in threes. If I hear the same book recommendation, or the name of someone I should meet, from a few different places, then I know that my Divine guides are trying to get through to me.
The universe does not always bring us what we seek in the way we expect and in the timeframe we would like! Things can change, based on timing, on other people’s free will and on our own evolving desires.
When we tap into the energy of co-creation and of Divine laws, we begin to work with magical forces. This magic is about allowing, rather than forcing. Sometimes we think that if we just tried harder or worked more, then we could make it work (which is a left-brained approach). In fact, the opposite is true. If we allow Divine Will to move as it does, we can learn to trust that our order in the restaurant of the universe is being prepared.
Eventually, we begin to understand that the Divine gifts around us are truly ours to experience and generate as co-creators. By clearing out the negative Ego thoughts in our minds, we learn to explore, experiment and take risks, especially by reaching out to others. We are casting our nets widely to see what we can catch, over and over. Then, one day, when we least expect it, we find that we have become our Future Selves.
I will be on vacation this week, doing my best to unplug and bask in the healing energy of the Earth in summer. Being present as much as possible.
It's been a busy few weeks, as I have a flurry of new interviews coming up with some cool podcasts from around the country. Lots of topics will covered. Stay tuned for those.
In the meantime, I am thinking of you each and wishing you flow
May you find moments of peace, presence, gratitude and Divine connection.
In the vibration of light,
:) Rachel