Healing Our Individual and Collective Wounds
/Phew! It's intense out there. With Mercury in retrograde and a recent full moon, and the autumn equinox coming up on September 22nd, there's lots of energy swirling around. The shadows are being seen and transmuted into light - within ourselves and in the collective.
For me personally, the summer was busy with lots of activities and fun. It felt so good to share space, light and healing at a book signing (pictured here) I recently did at Root Rind and Petal in Brunswick, Maine. Jenny (the owner) has created such a high-vibration sacred space. It was a true blessing to talk to people come as they strolled in to just deeply connect, heart to heart, one to one. (And they sold out of my books a few days before that!)
It has been an amazing process to see how organically the book is being shared.
Clients have been getting books for friends and family, and telling bookstores about it - doing my marketing for me! (And with homeschooling my kids, I certainly appreciate it!)
One client just emailed me this. Hearing how this book is helping people is truly why I did it!
“The book is just breathtaking ... It has enlightened me beyond what any words could ever express. Thank you for helping me in my quest to heal my soul. ”
— Deborah Hess
But with more things coming up on the horizon (I will be in Virginia teaching a class at a hypnotherapy conference on intuition in November and doing some podcasts), I have also been tired.
I have been finally listening to that message (my body is TELLING me to listen) and have been slowing down to try to heal as well.
Lots of stuff is happening in our inner beings, soul work being done while we sleep. We are downloading information, upgrading in our light bodies, and receiving lots of healing happening. But all this can be exhausting.
And in this retrograde energy, we are being asked to just REST.
How can we continue to break old patterns (past life and ancestral), stay in our truth, keep our vibration high and continue to move forward in our waking life? (One way is through the Tools for the Awakening Soul book, and through the Into the Light book club class that Heidi and I are offering in just a few weeks. An amazing group is joining us in the class thus far - hope you'll come along the soul journey with us!)
All of the goings-on these days can feel overwhelming.
Yet, when we take time to quiet our minds (this is essential these days), go outside in nature, and ask for higher sources of love to help us, magical things can happen.
We can also ask for all of it to SLOW DOWN sometimes.
We can exercise our free will (this is a Divine law!) and our request will be honored.
Our hen Miranda was attacked by a fox the other week and survived (my husband scared the fox off which dropped her from its jaws). We have had her inside with us, tending to her wounds for a few weeks, and she's doing great. But she needed to be inside, separated from the flock, to heal and to rest.
Like our hen, lots of us have felt like the past few years have felt like we have gotten beaten up. We are still letting our wounds heal... and it's going to take time. We have been on the battlefield, and we need to retreat so we can come out whole again.
Take some time to bring light into your body and ask Divine beings to help you heal.
Mother Mary, Pleaidians and Archangel Raphael have been coming in for me, bringing in my past life selves to receive deep, immersive, full body healing in emerald green light (and I guide you in a meditation here to do just that).
So give yourself permission to rest. And then do it.