The Power of the Human Brain
/Our minds are capable of much higher levels of thinking and capacity to affect the external world than we imagine. I have always been fascinated with science fiction and fantasy: I love Kurt Vonnegut and the TV shows "Fringe," and "Agents of SHIELD." In Fringe, there is an "alternate reality" and in SHIELD a distant planet that are both accessed through portals. These are just tiny examples of the power of the human imagination. Is it just imagining, though, or actually just remembering? Many creative works of art, in film, writing, visual art, and more, simply are depicting that which can be possible. These seemly implausible scenarios are created by someone, somewhere, who had an idea that has its roots in the human brain. Our consciousness is all connected, across time and space, and across realms. If this is so, then what if these fantastical ideas were actually possible? Science fiction speaks also to the untapped capacity of the human brain. The assumption that humans only use about 10 percent of our brain is disputed, although when we are resting and sleeping we are using only that 10 percent. (What percent of your brain are you using if you watch TV most of the time then?) It is generally agreed upon that we only understand how 10 percent of our brain operates (you can learn more here in Scientific American). If we were to use 100 percent of our brain's capacity, could we be tele-kinetic? Many think that the answer is yes.
We can learn to access untapped powers within our brains through the practice of meditation, and by actively envisioning goals and our future self in meditation (check out the Silva Method). I am amazed at how I have lived for so long and did not see this... Are you ready for what you might capable of if you could learn to access your brain more fully? You could change your life, and change the world for the better in the process.