Feeling Our Way Through Crisis
/A wise student in the Akashic Records class I'm currently teaching wisely pointed out that there is no “figuring out” what is happening right now on Earth. Some may try, but inevitably fail, since this is beyond our human level of comprehension.
This also speaks deeply to the essence of what I and many others, teach, and to what I try to practice in my own life. It speaks to the core of the soul work that many of us are being called to do. And that simply is to learn to separate from Ego, and to align with our Higher Self. I have talked about this a lot over the past few years, and now, more than ever, this understanding is crucial for many to cope with (survive) this time (and even survive) mentally and emotionally, and even physically.
What I perceive is happening is that we are being asked to operate from a more balanced, and centered approach. We are learning to merge the intuitive, feeling-based right brain with the rational, logical left brain. Our Higher Selves, which are linked to our souls, reside in the right brain. Our Ego minds, which want to “figure things out” and analyze and interpret, reside in the left brain. The problem is that the Ego left brain is simply not able to navigate the energies that we are experiencing – it cannot make sense of them and cannot guide us through them. The Higher Self-right brain knows what to do, though. And what this means is that we can cope by feeling our way through this time. We notice, we exist, we just "be," much like the lone rose that bloomed in my garden yesterday. We quiet our minds, notice what we are feeling in our bodies, and then, after that, bring in the left brain to help us take action. This is also known as “intuitively-guided action.”
And how, you may ask, is this applied in our daily lives? Well, these days, I suggest simply just getting quiet, going outside, and allowing yourself to notice what you are feeling. Clear the thoughts and allow yourself to observe your current emotional state. What is coming up? Is it anger? Is it sadness? Fear? Then allow yourself to examine those emotions. What do they want to say to you? What message do they have for you? What might these feelings be linked to in your life now?
Then write about these emotions. Or maybe cry. Talk. Sing. Let the emotions out of your body somehow. Let them flow. Let them be released. {Check out this free writing tool, Processing Negative Emotions, that might help.}
And then, when you’re ready, bring in light. Imagine liquid, golden light flowing through your whole body. This is healing energy that can help you find a place of balance, a space of being okay. (This 10-Minute Anytime Light Meditation is meant to do that.)
Many of us just want to know that things will be okay. Will they, you may ask? That depends on your perspective. We can choose to view things that we do not understand or know or feel comfortable with as scary, dangerous or bad (which is what the Ego wants to do), or we can view things as an opportunity to grow, to stay open to what learning there is within any experience, knowing that our souls chose this experience for us before we incarnated in our bodies.
This perspective of soul growth and soul contracts can also help bring us calm. We may not understand why something is happening, and our Ego minds will likely try to place our experience in a box (or a group of people in a box) that it can understand – it’s either “good or bad,” when the reality is that very little in life is black or white, rather a lot of gray. Most things, as I am told in the Akashic Records, are partly true and partly untrue. And what is true for one person may be completely false for another. Again, it depends on our individual soul work that we are here to do in this lifetime, which is about lessons.
If one of your life lessons is forgiving others, then you will be presented with opportunities to do that! If it is releasing judgment, then you will find yourself in situations where you have been judged, maybe, or encounter people and scenarios that you can decide to accept or not, some more challenging to accept than others.
It all comes down to simply just pausing to notice, which takes us out of the triggered Ego mind and all its stories, to learn to just be present with what is. It takes having the courage to then dive in exploring the emotions and into subconscious patterns to be healed and lessons to be learned.
This is what we are all being faced with now. I have just come through some major energetic heaviness with old patterns breaking and doing my best to let go of hurt, anger… and learning to forgive and rise above. This is one of the hardest things to do, especially with family members. I know, though, that if I can do it, then you can too. (And if you want some help in all this, there is no better source in my experience than the love and high vibration of angels to help lift us up, and this How to Communicate with Angels: Online Class I'm offering soon also will teach you how to connect with them).
May we find the strength to rise above, be of service and come into the light of our highest and best selves. We need human connection. We need hugs. We need to see people's whole faces to read emotions (not just their eyes). We need to help those who are suffering in isolation, loneliness or depression from this situation. I hope we can heal and open to the truth what's really going on. May it be so!
Those of you who are open, who see, who feel deeply and who experience these energies all around us ... you are probably being called upon to share with others as bringers of light. Those of us doing this lightwork can support each other by knowing that we are not alone, that there are people like us who see the world as we do (we're not crazy, in fact sometimes it can feel like we are the only sane ones in a world looking more insane every day)! Knowing still, that things are just getting uncovered, that the darkness is showing itself for what it is. I do believe we will be okay.. once we do our own inner work, heal our pain at an individual level, which can then spill into the collective. And when we learn to have compassion and love for the "other," as hard as that may be.
To help you navigate life as a newly-minted way-shower and light-bringer, tonight some of us gather in the Soulful Work Community space virtually to share what we are feeling and experiencing. We meet each month twice a month, and I invite each of you to join us there if you are looking for support and people like you to share openly with.
Then, we will move directly into the Circle of Light Meditation from 8-8:20 pm EDT every Wednesday evening.
Blessings and gratitude to all.