Birthing A New Way
/It has certainly been a wild ride, hasn't it? Sometimes it seems as though this will never end. Some days are better than others. The increasing polarity can be quite taxing on us, and can be exhausting.
I was saying to my husband that it feels like I'm in a movie where I'm on a battlefield with a sword fighting at every turn, with no time to rest. Speaking up for what one believes in, especially when it can come to those closest to us (yes, I'm talking about family), can be hard. Yet, there is freedom in standing in our truth, and in honoring what we feel deeply inside.
It's about viewing a situation through a unique lens, much like colored glasses. You see it one way, or you don't.
We are seeing people having a hard time understanding those who see varying situations in a way that is different from their own. This can be confusing, and painful, especially when it means that this can manifest outwardly (mask v no mask, for instance) and can cause others to feel that your belief affects them either negatively or positively.
This is a message that came through that I thought I would share with you that may be of assistance to help us understand more of what is happening:
You are experiencing a birthing of a new way. Imagine what it might feel like to go through a birth canal.
It’s painful, uncomfortable and tight. It feels like it will never end. Yet, on the other side, we know there is light.
Can you sit with this knowing, even if you are not totally sure, that there is light at the other end of the tunnel? Can you trust that this is so?
You are elevating your vibrational levels to receive frequencies unlike that which you have ever experienced. This will re-shape your world, and bring new levels of understanding to humanity about what it means to exist in a universe so filled with life and love.
We ask you to stay with us, to stay with the energy of shifting. Yes, we ask you to trust that it will work out in the end.
It is okay to allow yourself to crumble. Let the emotions flow. We know that this is challenging.
You chose to be here during this time to experience this. That means that you are strong enough to withstand it.
You have support all around you to help you get through. Please call upon us, any of us light beings that you are comfortable or familiar with, to help reassure you that you can do this. Part of you knows this is true.
Visualize the new world you are birthing. Imagine how joyful you will feel when new societies of love, connection and understanding are blossoming all around like wildflowers in a meadow. Feel the energy of this and soak it up.
We send you our love, and our strength to guide you through. We are always with you.
- A Message on Birthing a New Way with Saint Germain of the Violet Flame
Angels can also help us make it through this time. Angels already with us but many people don't realize that we can ask them to help us in deeper ways.
Here's some more information about angels:
Angels are directly connected to Divine Source (God). They are intermediaries in human affairs, and they feel deeply (including sadness). They can even take on our suffering. They have their own unique personalities!
Angels are organized in 9 orders, within 3 choirs. The first is directly connected to Source energy and the last are connected to humans: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues,Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels.
Angels communicate with us through angel numbers (like 11:11), music/song, through other people (messengers), through light/colors (flickers of light) and scents. Finding a feather can be a wonderful sign that angels are with you
Angels can help with any task (finding lost objects, healing rifts, confidence)! Feel light in your heart, take deep breaths and ask for what you seek. Angels help create opportunities for growth (they won't do the work for you). But it can happen in a matter of days!
Guardian angels are assigned specifically to just us. But archangels are omni-present, in that they can be everywhere (so you're not "taking someone else's spot" when you connect with Archangel Ariel, for instance). Helper (ministering) angels can also come in handy!
This meditation, called Communicating Our Truth with Archangel Gabriel, helps us connect with the energy of Archangel Gabriel. The energy of this archangel, which is both a masculine and feminine energy, is about communication, fertility and truth. Gabriel is the messenger of God and is the first angel mentioned in the Bible, and also communicated with the prophet Muhammed.
We can invite in angels, simply by asking (focusing in, taking a deep breath and saying the angel's name three times, or just asking to be connected with the right angel to be with us) and they will help us anytime we choose. Some people think that it's just a made-up thing because we haven't been taught how to open our hearts to receive and notice their answers! My kids regularly ask angels to help them find things and it's absolutely amazing what happens (they find their stuff 95 % of the time). It doesn't mean that we don't do our own inner work, though. In fact angels will often guide us to clear any blocks, doubts or fears that is keeping us from manifesting what we desire and what our soul wants to give us.
The meditation in this video was from a weekly free Circle of Light Wednesday evening meditation from 8-8:20 pm EDT, and focused on Archangel Michael specifically to help us open our third eye.
For the past few months, I have been working with my trusted business coach (Heidi Symonds - who is amazing!) on a new Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting offering, probably the most important and biggest one I have ever done. It feels like a culmination of the work I've been doing, and a response to a larger purpose to activate as many light-workers as possible to help usher in the new way of being on Earth. A humbling, yet exciting one. Stand by for more…..