Separating from the Heaviness

As many of us are in in this state of uncertainty, our "worst-case scenario" fears can get triggered.

Here is what I recently wrote how to release heavy emotions in my upcoming book, Tools for the New Earth: A Guide for Awakening Times. Maybe this will be of service to you in this time:

Sometimes we cannot seem to get away from a constant stream of unwanted thoughts. They can come in like a cascade that flows, pauses and flows again. Some common thoughts may be around worry (What if I run out of money?), self-sabotage (I'm not ________ enough), anger (They're so _________), defeatism/grief (I can't _________), or simply just non-stop chatter (I should _______ and _________ and ________).

The average person has over 50,000 thoughts a day and more than 80% of them are negative. Even though it is difficult to stop all negative thoughts of the left brained, rational mind from coming in, we can begin to slow them down and create space for more gentle, kind thoughts from our intuitive, right-brained spirit to emerge.

In Buddhist meditation practice, there is an acronym called RAIN, which stands for Recognition, Acceptance, Investigation and Non-identification. Essentially, this helps us remember that we can become the observer of our emotions, rather than becoming attached and spinning around in ever-increasing circles with them.

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Hope for Navigating These Times

People have been giving away their power for so long, and that a part of our own vibration has created this onslaught of fear.

We can learn to take back our personal power, to stop allowing others to tell us what we should do… and to trust our own hearts and intuition. It’s our responsibility as individuals to shift our vibrations so that we stop subconsciously allowing ourselves to be controlled, as part of us thinks it’s easier to do that than to take back control of our lives in our own hands.

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