I am writing this post with some risk. I have been reading for some time about energy fields, the power of positive thinking to manifest things in our lives, and secret societies.
After understanding that I was receiving messages from guides and those of the Other Side, I did some research and started to learn. Here is what I am stating here with conviction:
The "secret" that we are not supposed to know about (of the Freemasons, the Illuminati, etc.) is that it is possible for humans to literally control our surroundings with our thoughts and feelings. With our thoughts and feelings we emit a high vibration in the energy field that exists around us. And that high vibration, according to the laws of physics, attracts other high vibrations in the form of good things in the environment and in our own lives. To achieve this, we start with meditation and focusing the thoughts/mind - all the time if possible:
- Feeling Good - it starts here
- Gratitude
- Visualization
- And then manifestation
I know you have heard this before, but you probably may not believe it is true ... because it is hard to do. I have been curious about these secret societies for some time (and ever since the book "The Secret") came out. I was always a bit turned off by "The Secret" and the concept of The Law of Attraction since it seemed to be used purely to gain wealth or power. The Law of Attraction can be misused by people to acquire money and power, and yes, to control others. This is why the secret societies keep this such a secret... so this power cannot be abused by the general public. However, there is potential to do great good with this. (Have you ever heard about the 1993 experiment in Washington, D.C. when the crime rates decreased dramatically when hundreds of people meditated ? Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeanne-ball/a-thanksgiving-blessing-f_b_788053.html or this: http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/washington_crime_study.html.)
In short, I have come to understand that this is a real thing. I have experienced it myself, so I can tell you this firsthand. It can take time to manifest, and it takes work, and practice.
Human beings do not fully have this capacity to do this easily.. some say other races on this planet many years ago had this power (and communicated telepathically) until these powers were abused. So the races disappeared and humans evolved.. So our current human race has only remote access to telepathy and the powers of manifestation. With practice, we can re-access these abilities. Hopefully for the greater good. Our planet needs it.
I will end here for now. Thank you, dear readers. Good night..