Catching our Dreams in Many Languages
/Sometimes it seems as though ideas only exist in their own realms and need to stay in that realm. It's as if spiritual stuff is only for the spiritually-minded, or financial stuff is only for stock brokers. While we each have our differing interests, we have the same underlying feelings, beliefs and values that course through our veins at various times in our lives. We may use different words to describe an idea or a feeling, but many of our ideas rooted in the same core value we hold, regardless of our religious or cultural background.
I found myself having a deeply rich conversation recently with someone with more fundamentalist beliefs than my own. Although the words we used differed, we both soon recognized that we were speaking the same common universal language about love, faith and healing. It was a wonderful experience to see the invisible threads that connected us, regardless of the outward appearances of separation.
In this same sense, while visualizing and achieving a goal is a spiritual concept, it is a concept universally applied by many people who may never consider themselves to be "spiritual" people - by athletes, college graduates, by anyone who sets their sights on a dream and achieves that dream. It is inspiring to watch someone (my younger brother most recently becoming a Marine Corps officer) hold a dream for many years, and intensely focus on that dream, doing what needs to be done to maximize the odds of success. For dreaming big is the start, but then there is work that must be done to get there. Usually when we want something badly enough, our body and mind follow suit and inspire us to take action.
To me, this speaks to the universal human condition - to the feelings, desires, drives that guide each of us in our lives. While we express this outwardly in different ways, we all are the same at the core.