Things Don't Really Work Out When We Are Disconnected

When we are not connected to our intuition, this is what it can feel like:

  • we get frustrated with situations and life and just a general sense of being "off," not in the flow

  • we can descend into hopelessness when events occur in our lives and we believe that the world is just cruel and randomly bad things just happen -  "life's a b$%^# and then you die"

  • it seems that things don't go well for us

    • The reason for this is two-fold (in my view): 1) our negative thoughts about our reality actually create more of the reality we don't want and 2) our lack of spiritual connection in Divine love means that when we aren't in touch with our intuition to guide us in the right direction, we can feel stuck

  • we just don't feel good. We feel disconnected, unhappy and lost. We feel aimless and purposeless and numb ourselves from life with "soft addictions" like social media scrolling, food, alcohol, etc.

Okay, now we have covered all that icky stuff... some of you may be saying, YES, that's me! And what do I do about it?

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How Angels Shift Energy In Our Daily Lives

As many of you know, angels played a large role in my opening my third eye in the first place. When I first started this business in 2015, I wanted to expand my intuitive abilities. I took an angel class and I felt like I didn’t belong there. Everyone else was having these amazing experiences with their angels except for me. But I followed the teachings and kept asking for their help (specifically Archangel Michael, who helped me clear fear from childhood and from past lives about being safe to go into this realm). And one night I had an incredibly powerful experience with what I believe was contact with Archangel Michael. (I write more about this in my book, Tools for the Awakening Soul).
I knew something was happening. Situations in my life kept shifting, allowing my prayers to be answered. Since then, I have seen this happen with countless clients, when they learn how to ask.
Learning how to connect with angels can be life-changing. So over these past few years, I asked my angels to help me navigate relationships and situations with others in my life.
I closed my eyes, focused my intention, imagined light flowing through my body, and then information started flowing it. It can take time (and training) to pick up on the information they send us. (It took me months to really feel I was actually connecting with angels! I had to clear away lots of stuff for my channels to open.)

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How to Receive Intuitive Guidance

Thankfully, we can learn how to deeply connect with our right brain more, which opens up our intuition and our connection with our Higher Self. This will allow us to feel the energy of angels, spirit guides, or anything from a higher realm based in pure love.

How do we do this? Connecting intuitively starts by accessing our feelings and using our imagination, just as children do.

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