How We Can Be in 2021 (Co-Creating Our Lives!)

As we move into 2021, let's focus on what we want to be, as I share in the channeled message below.

We know what we DON'T want (oppression, restrictions, fear, division, cowardice, etc), and instead of holding that vibration in our field, let's bring in the opposite of that (freedom, connection, joy, love, courage, strength).

This is a WHOLE new way of being, friends! It is about focusing on how it feels in our bodies to be aligned with our truth.

When we are making a certain choice or taking a certain action, how does that feel in our body? Does it feel expansive or does it feel confining? Does that choice or action make you feel strong, brave and proud or does it make you feel small, shrinking inward and denying your true self?

We each will make different choices based on our own personal vibrations.

But at all costs, we must learn that we create our realities! Slowly, many of us are learning what this means. When we consistently have certain thoughts or beliefs, our outer world reflects the experiences mirroring this vibration back to us.

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What Does it Mean To Be Free?

We are living in a time of unprecedented chaos and confusion. Many people are in a constant state of “fight or flight,” in triggered mode. Some of us have been aware that a massive shift in consciousness has been coming for years. We are now in a defining moment of that shift.

This is a moment when humans are being asked to explore freedom. Do we want freedom? Or not?

We are experiencing oppression unlike that which most of us have ever experienced in our lives. With all of the control, mandates, rules and lockdowns, many of us are feeling angry, confused and scared. We may be scared about descending into a dystopian nightmare, like that we have read about or seen in movies. It can feel like we are living in that world,

In the Akashic Records, the guides share with me that we are being squeezed like a baby being pushed through a birth canal. We are being exposed to whatever level of darkness is required for a critical mass to awaken. This is when we decide if we truly want to be free, as our free will choice.

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Happy Day of Awakening and Truth

To those who are open to healing, to connecting the dots and seeing the truth, I honor you. And I thank you for your support of the work I and many others are trying to do to help this crazy place. I am so grateful to you.

Love, kindness, caring, compassion, forgiveness is the way.

I will continue to send light and prayers for people being ignored by the media who are worrying about where they will live or how they will eat in this time. I have so much hope that people are opening their eyes... let's continue to ask for angelic light to help open hearts and minds to the truth. May we all do the same.

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