Self-Inquiry in this Lifetime

These activation energies around the planet and swirling through us as humans are subtle. They have been building for years. Think about where you were 10 years ago and what you were interested in. Chances are it wasn't nearly as spiritual as it is now. 

That's part of the shifting... people are wondering what it means to have a soul, who they have been in past lives, what their innate gifts are in their current bodies and how to be of service on Earth. We are asking deeper questions that our loved ones who came before us often didn't. In the 1900s and early 2000s, life was just about getting by for many. Working, surviving, and numbing the pain of an existence that lacked meaning with alcohol or other substances.

We are making different choices and seeing through the illusions of the matrix. We are freeing ourselves. We are learning how to love ourselves unconditionally and therefore the collective.

When we look at how far we have come in our own lives, and as a human race, we see the shifting. 

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Breaking Past Life Patterns With Each Choice

For many of our past lives, we had repeated the same, negative pattern over and over. Always getting into codependent relationships, not having healthy boundaries, being taken advantage of and not speaking our truth, or maybe finding fault with everyone else but ourselves as a perpetual victim. 

But this is the lifetime when we break the patterns.

When we (along with those in our lives who agreed to play these roles) are met with similar challenges, we are given the option to make a different choice. 

And with our tools of quieting our minds and asking higher guidance for help (you have those tools right? If not, this Tools for the Awakening Soul book will help!), we pause and come at the situation from a new perspective. And if we don't know how to respond, we can ask for help - "Please help me learn from this experience..."

I have found myself asking that question in the past few weeks more and more.

And then I just watch my emotions and allow them to guide me, to hopefully be released as I break the pattern....

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