How I Finally Did It!

I was told by an intuitive years ago that I would be writing a book that would contain new ideas to help people.

At that time, I didn't understand what the book would be about, or how to even start doing it.

In fact, every time I got a psychic reading, I would be told that it was time for me to start writing this book.

I started getting annoyed hearing this all the time... I had been trying to write, but I didn't know what I was supposed to write about!

Then I started asking for guidance. I was guided to a program where I learned hypnotherapy, intuitive guidance, life coaching and mindfulness. In this program, I applied many different tools to things I was experiencing in my own life. My assignments were to make up my own tools for my own intuitive counseling practice. So I did.

Then, I was guided to learn how to read the Akashic Records. 

Clients with a variety of situations presented themselves to me. I had opportunities to apply the approaches I had learned with these various people who trusted me to help them.

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