Inner Child Healing to Become the Future You

I see this occurring a lot with clients. Even when we do lots of meditation and Ego awareness work, there's often still something that doesn't feel quite right. It's resistance, procrastination, even paralysis. That's usually because there's a need that is being met by the subconscious mind (often the Inner Child) by using old, unhelpful habits/negative coping mechanisms. In parts therapy/guided imagery (like mild hypnosis), we connect with that part, ask her what she needs, how she feels, what ideas she has for healing and then remind her that we, as our Adult Selves, have tools now to help us cope with new, positive habits... and to allow us to feel safe enough to explore our emotions in the first place.

When this reconciliation is done with our Inner Child and our Adult Self, with the mediation and support of a loving Spirit Guide comforting that child, we find that we are able to move forward. It's kind of miraculous. 

Often we are completely unaware of a feeling or a need that our Inner Child has... and one of the only ways to access it is by delving into the subconscious mind. 

This inner work is life-changing... and it's ultimately freeing. 

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How to Align Your Vibration to Love

Like the sacred geometry of numbers, the vibration of sound is also here to help us move into higher states of consciousness. Music at a high frequency will attune our vibration to the state of nature, which brings us into harmony with creation, with the I Am presence within us all.

As I was reflecting on what to focus on for the Circle of Light meditation this week, what came in was the phrase "vibrational alignment." As we see the world around us tumble into chaos through the crumbling of the 3D world, and people descend into suffering as they cling to 3D, we can get sucked in if we're not careful. Having compassion for them, meeting them where they're at and loving them is going to help us all move into 5D consciousness.

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Holding the Light in 2023

These children, like little Jedi Padawans, are receiving training to fully embody their missions as light-workers here on Earth.

For us Indigo light warrior adults, we didn't learn this stuff until we were adults. I had no idea what Reiki even was until I was in my 20s. These children now have an incredible preparation to carry them forward into the future, for the healing that they will be doing to hold the vibration of light in the New Earth. 

This gives me an immense amount of hope.

When we look around us and see so much chaos, division, anger, sadness, confusion and struggle, it can lead us to thoughts of despair.

But when we acknowledge how far we have come as a human race, and that young children are learning how to channel light as awakened starseeds walking the Earth, we remember.

We remember that this has been prophesied, and that these little ones are here to help us all move into the age of unity, peace, understanding, love, healing and joy.

In the meantime, we adults have another job - to clear all our s$%# that has been blocking us from also embodying that light.

We have to face up to our fears, remove old patterns, connect with our wounded Inner Child, forgive ourselves, learn from mistakes and take personal responsibility for our self-actualization as we step into unconditional love for ourselves and for others. 

Just a few things. 

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