How to Keep Going

In this intense and massive shift in consciousness, we are experiencing constant pulls to engage with the 3D matrix and get sucked back into its systems of fear, division, manipulation, coercion and oppression. It can be tricky to navigate, to hold the light and the hope for what is possible. We start to doubt and wonder if the beautiful New Earth actually is coming, and if we are actually able to help those we know and love awaken and move into higher levels of consciousness.

Remember that humanity has to move through the valley of the shadow of death to come out into the light. We are passing through those shadows right now, like going through the dark tunnel of a birth canal.

We are being asked, over and over, to stand for sovereignty. It can feel exhausting and hard when we are disappointing others. Yet, this embodying of our truth is essential right now. It’s how we help shift consciousness in the human collective.

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It's All About Perspective (3D to 5D)

How do we cope and find any moment of joy or hope with all of the heaviness and heartache around us?

The answer is, I believe, to shift our focus. To reframe our perspective. Let's examine this from the 3D (the old way of Ego and separation) and the 5D (the new way of unity and love).

On the one hand, from the 3D perspective, the world around us looks like it's burning and descending into never-ending chaos. Many people are suffering, whether from illness, fear, anxiety or restrictions on basic human rights and freedoms. Many of us are concerned about the kind of world we are creating.

On the other hand, from the 5D perspective, this is the great shifting. We are seeing the darkness, the controls, the chaos that has always been buried beneath the surface now right in front of our faces. We are seeing all this because we are shifting out of it. The light is shining so brightly that all the cracks, shadows and crevasses are being seen. The light is so so strong. There is so much hope for what we are birthing. The Earth is moving into 5th dimensional frequency, and we humans are going through this ascension process to align our light-bodies with that frequency!

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When We Are Forced to Pause

When I finally had the energy to meditate and go into the Akashic Records, I picked up on why I experienced this virus. It was for me to understand. To have balance. to have deeper compassion for the suffering of others. I needed to have more of a sense of what it feels like to be in a position I am often not used to being in. It was humbling. I am still learning from it.

I have been very concerned about the health of some who go through this. In the Akashic Records, the guidance I received was to trust. To trust that all would receive that which they need if they get sick. And also, I received a message that was a challenging one for me to hear as I want to help save as many lives as possible. But the message was "Humans will eventually learn not to fear death." When a soul chooses to exit its body, it is a transition to a new form, not an ending. And while we try to keep ourselves and others in good health, death does not need to be so feared. Someday I may accept this message, although it does not mean I will allow others to die unnecessarily.

And some people will choose to make other choices, such as masks and vaccines, to keep themselves healthy. I am learning to honor these choices, and for some they may be the right choice. In the Records, I was shown that for many humans, especially children, their bodies will be able to filter out toxins put into their bodies with the light that is protecting them. Let's pray that it is so.

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