Welcome to the 2/2/22 Activation Portal
/We are witnessing an incredible awakening in the human race. And today is 2/2/22 - a powerful number and moment marking a shift, an "upleveling," in our consciousness. 2s are angel numbers, very strong for 2/2/22 (which add up to 8, abundance and infinity). It's a day that is a portal of activation and energy for all that we are birthing. We are being asked to stay the course, to continue forging ahead. All of our efforts are working. It's a powerful message to keep doing what we're doing.
Here I share a story about something powerful that happened in the Akashic Records the other week. It was an incredible reading I did for someone who asked what planet she was originally from. What came up was absolutely amazing, and when I looked up the information later, it was confirmed. I believe this is true for many of us, and I'm going to talk about it in a video - our true origins in the galaxies - Lyra, Pleiades, Arcturus, Annunaki, etc. I share more about this in a talk and guided meditation on 2/2/22 Portal Activation: Where Am I Really From?
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