Welcome to the 2/2/22 Activation Portal

We are witnessing an incredible awakening in the human race. And today is 2/2/22 - a powerful number and moment marking a shift, an "upleveling," in our consciousness. 2s are angel numbers, very strong for 2/2/22 (which add up to 8, abundance and infinity). It's a day that is a portal of activation and energy for all that we are birthing. We are being asked to stay the course, to continue forging ahead. All of our efforts are working. It's a powerful message to keep doing what we're doing.

Here I share a story about something powerful that happened in the Akashic Records the other week. It was an incredible reading I did for someone who asked what planet she was originally from. What came up was absolutely amazing, and when I looked up the information later, it was confirmed. I believe this is true for many of us, and I'm going to talk about it in a video - our true origins in the galaxies - Lyra, Pleiades, Arcturus, Annunaki, etc. I share more about this in a talk and guided meditation on 2/2/22 Portal Activation: Where Am I Really From?

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Take the Leap Into 5D Consciousness

I asked how we could help people stuck in this 3D dimension, and I was shown that some people who are awakening will come up to look closer at those of us floating in the sky, as if they step up onto some kind of viewing platform. They admire us from this halfway point, and we encourage them to come join us, but many decide they are afraid of heights and would rather go back down to Earth, for now. But gradually, they come up to the platform more and more, getting used to being at such heights.

I see this as a beautiful metaphor of how we, as light workers, can help awakening people ascend into freedom and love of 5th dimensional consciousness.

This is my prayer for the New Year. What is yours? Take a moment to reflect on what you are proud of from the past year, what you learned, what you felt good about, and what you hope for 2022. It's a powerful time to put out intentions!

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It's All About Perspective (3D to 5D)

How do we cope and find any moment of joy or hope with all of the heaviness and heartache around us?

The answer is, I believe, to shift our focus. To reframe our perspective. Let's examine this from the 3D (the old way of Ego and separation) and the 5D (the new way of unity and love).

On the one hand, from the 3D perspective, the world around us looks like it's burning and descending into never-ending chaos. Many people are suffering, whether from illness, fear, anxiety or restrictions on basic human rights and freedoms. Many of us are concerned about the kind of world we are creating.

On the other hand, from the 5D perspective, this is the great shifting. We are seeing the darkness, the controls, the chaos that has always been buried beneath the surface now right in front of our faces. We are seeing all this because we are shifting out of it. The light is shining so brightly that all the cracks, shadows and crevasses are being seen. The light is so so strong. There is so much hope for what we are birthing. The Earth is moving into 5th dimensional frequency, and we humans are going through this ascension process to align our light-bodies with that frequency!

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