There is Always a Way
/Here's some tips to help you continue moving into 5D unity consciousness:
1. Begin to trust yourself. Listening to that inner whisper of your intuition guiding you to check out that new thing (surfing? pottery?) that you have been wanting to explore.
2. Start quieting your mind whenever you can. Or, meditation (but if this term is too loaded, use something less heavy, like “stillness” or “quieting the mind”). We do not need to sit for 30 minutes a day (although it could really transform our lives if we did!). Even just one to two minutes of focusing on our breath can help us learn to listen to that little whisper, as opposed to the negative Ego voice and thought chatter.
3. Turn off mainstream media/news. At least until it gets less fear-based and stops fueling people’s anxiety (which is probably never). Right now, that Ego voice (which is designed to keep us safe, but often becomes just fears/doubts/worries holding us back) is strengthened by the constant barrage of information overload. Much of this makes the world seem like a pretty scary place. If you look around at your immediate surroundings, though, chances are you see beauty and goodness all around.
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