Take the Leap Into 5D Consciousness

I asked how we could help people stuck in this 3D dimension, and I was shown that some people who are awakening will come up to look closer at those of us floating in the sky, as if they step up onto some kind of viewing platform. They admire us from this halfway point, and we encourage them to come join us, but many decide they are afraid of heights and would rather go back down to Earth, for now. But gradually, they come up to the platform more and more, getting used to being at such heights.

I see this as a beautiful metaphor of how we, as light workers, can help awakening people ascend into freedom and love of 5th dimensional consciousness.

This is my prayer for the New Year. What is yours? Take a moment to reflect on what you are proud of from the past year, what you learned, what you felt good about, and what you hope for 2022. It's a powerful time to put out intentions!

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Winter Solstice Energy

On the solstice, take some time to reconnect with Mother Earth, with your spirit and with other human souls. This does not have to be any sort of elaborate ritual. It’s simply just about your intention and in allowing in the energy.

You are aware that when you meditate you are allowing in energy, and light. During this time period, on December 21, 2021 in particular, you are simply allowing in more around this day. It’s a very good time to receive light!

Sitting around a fire is nice. Making a circle with hemlock, fir or other coniferous boughs invites in the cyclical nature of life, of the seasons and of God.

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How to Keep Going

In this intense and massive shift in consciousness, we are experiencing constant pulls to engage with the 3D matrix and get sucked back into its systems of fear, division, manipulation, coercion and oppression. It can be tricky to navigate, to hold the light and the hope for what is possible. We start to doubt and wonder if the beautiful New Earth actually is coming, and if we are actually able to help those we know and love awaken and move into higher levels of consciousness.

Remember that humanity has to move through the valley of the shadow of death to come out into the light. We are passing through those shadows right now, like going through the dark tunnel of a birth canal.

We are being asked, over and over, to stand for sovereignty. It can feel exhausting and hard when we are disappointing others. Yet, this embodying of our truth is essential right now. It’s how we help shift consciousness in the human collective.

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