Be With The Light of the Winter Solstice

There is so much light right now flowing into Earth. In meditation this morning in the woods now blanketed with fresh snowfall, I felt waves of light flooding into my body. It was incredible. Well, that makes sense, I thought! All this light, as energy, can make us feel uncomfortable, even irritable or pressurized.

As we approach the winter solstice, this energy is amplified. 12/21/22 is a powerful number representing an energetic anchoring and the message to keep forging ahead (the 2s) to fully create our New Earth reality (the 1s). This is a time marking the true birth of the Age of Aquarius. 

The energy with us these days is palpable. There are so many light beings, especially multi-dimensional (extra-terrestrials), surrounding us right now. We can't always feel them, but they're there. 

The light with us is the light of God. It is gentle, yet strong. Often when I connect in during my morning meditations, I feel the presence of specific Ascended Masters (Jesus or Mother Mary, sometimes Buddhist Masters, often are there). But this past week, it was God. Simply the Source energy of All That Is. 

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Stay the Course. Keep Going. It's Working.

You may wonder, "Why does it feel like I'm not in touch with my Divine guides? Where are they?" I have heard this from a few clients recently.

But our guides are always here with us. We just don't often notice them.

Today when I tuned in, I felt a very strong wave of support all around me (and all of us). We have a whole team of galactic friends, angels, spirit guides, ancestors and multidimensional beings, all connected with the Source of All That Is (God), helping us out big time.

It's just subtle energy. And when we are going, going, going and in our Ego mind, we can miss their messages.

Give yourself time to connect with the oneness.

Take a bath, float with the back of your head underwater and listen to your breath. What do you feel in that stillness? Look up toward the sun and into the rays of light. What do you notice? This is how we tune in. We just feel.

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Embrace the Lunar Energy ... and the Shadows of Ego

This past weekend I went to a hypnotherapy conference (the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists) to present a workshop on developing intuition. It was a bit of a retreat for me, even though it was packed with workshops. I learned some new hypnosis techniques, childhood trauma approaches and some astrology/Kabbalah, along with some fascinating information about the renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, whose A.R.E. library was right down the street from our conference. I also got to meet, in person at long last, my hypnotherapy teacher and mentor, Linda Bennett, who was the keynote speaker. Honoring those who taught us is so important, and I feel such gratitude to the women who taught me so much and who helped show me techniques that I share in my Tools for the Awakening: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose book.

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