Channel this Energy... for your Highest and Best Life

The portal of 2/2/22-2/22/22 is a powerful time of light, activation and energetic upgrade. The energy during this time can help us expand into becoming our highest and best selves. What does this mean? How can we tap into this energy?

This excerpt from my book (coming out soon!), Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life's Purpose, speaks to how we can tap into the healing, Divine energy, like riding a wave, to fully expand in our souls:

The Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe emits an energy wave. According to the laws of physics, every animal, plant, person and inanimate object has a frequency. A frequency can be defined as waves passing a certain fixed point. The state of something’s oscillating frequency is called its vibration. The term vibration also refers to the energy or light that we give off as human souls in physical bodies. (The phrase “raise your vibration” simply means to elevate your frequency into a higher state of flow, positivity and love.) Every thought and emotion emits a frequency as well. The higher our frequency, the higher we vibrate with emotions like love, compassion and joy. The lower our frequency, the lower we vibrate with emotions like fear, anger or sadness. One vibration is not necessarily better than another: they just are.

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Welcome to the 2/2/22 Activation Portal

We are witnessing an incredible awakening in the human race. And today is 2/2/22 - a powerful number and moment marking a shift, an "upleveling," in our consciousness. 2s are angel numbers, very strong for 2/2/22 (which add up to 8, abundance and infinity). It's a day that is a portal of activation and energy for all that we are birthing. We are being asked to stay the course, to continue forging ahead. All of our efforts are working. It's a powerful message to keep doing what we're doing.

Here I share a story about something powerful that happened in the Akashic Records the other week. It was an incredible reading I did for someone who asked what planet she was originally from. What came up was absolutely amazing, and when I looked up the information later, it was confirmed. I believe this is true for many of us, and I'm going to talk about it in a video - our true origins in the galaxies - Lyra, Pleiades, Arcturus, Annunaki, etc. I share more about this in a talk and guided meditation on 2/2/22 Portal Activation: Where Am I Really From?

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Birthing A New Way

You are experiencing a birthing of a new way. Imagine what it might feel like to go through a birth canal.

It’s painful, uncomfortable and tight. It feels like it will never end. Yet, on the other side, we know there is light.

Can you sit with this knowing, even if you are not totally sure, that there is light at the other end of the tunnel? Can you trust that this is so?

You are elevating your vibrational levels to receive frequencies unlike that which you have ever experienced. This will re-shape your world, and bring new levels of understanding to humanity about what it means to exist in a universe so filled with life and love.

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