What It Means to Be Human

As I was standing on a cliff over the ocean with my daughter the other morning, surrounded by other openly-smiling humans with their faces soaking up the sun, I felt the healing. I felt the shifting. It almost brought me to tears - Mother Earth letting us know it's all going to be okay.

Back in the 3D world, still we are seeing an upsurge in the dark powers trying to exert every effort to create a dystopian nightmare. Yet, it cannot succeed.

In spite of most people being still under mental conditioning, many, many people are awakening to the truth of what's been going on for thousands of years, since the Roman empire, and before that.

We are birthing the Age of Aquarius. It has been predicted, and it is unfolding as such. What we are seeing is essentially, "how much will it take for humanity to wake up?" The dark forces will get louder and louder, as they are. And that is only because the light is getting stronger and stronger!

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Clearing Up Conflicts With Others

Part of being human means that we interact with other people in our lives. Sometimes this goes smoothly, other times not so much.

Interpersonal conflicts in relationships with others are important to clear up, energetically that is. When we hold grudges or can’t forgive someone, we are actually blocking our spiritual growth!  As difficult as it may seem to forgive, it is really, really important (and just feels better too).

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