In Times of Deep Divide... Healing, Coping and Moving Forward

At the time of this writing, there are deep divides among families and friends worldwide due to varying beliefs about how to proceed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Never before in our lifetimes have the values that people hold dear clashed so much. While some people believe that personal safety and protecting ourselves from illness is more important than freedom and bodily autonomy, others feel strongly that systems of government are using the pandemic in an attempt to create worldwide totalitarianism. Because of this, this group of people believes in preserving human liberty at all costs. And they are willing to take risks when it comes to their health to do so. I believe there actually is a middle ground that can be found by keeping our immune systems strong and protecting the more vulnerable to illness while still allowing humans to move freely in society. Sadly, the media is only promoting one viewpoint that restricts freedom and promotes medical segregation, actively using this crisis to perpetuate the division and pitting one group of people against another.

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The Flickering Candle in the Wind

Overall, the energies with us now are asking us each to trust and go with the flow. This is much easier said than done! When we allow ourselves to examine what feels blocked, we can begin to forgive ourselves, others and help us move through this time. While staying cautious and respectful to keep us healthy and thriving, we can still question the narrative to preserve our freedoms, even when it means feeling like we are the only one.

Ultimately, this is about us learning to expand into our lightbody as Divine beings, learning to "be" rather than "do," and to operate from a Higher Self-guided perspective of feelings (with the heart) rather than thinking (with the brain). We need both feelings and thinking, but the heart is best as a leader of the brain.

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Clearing Up Conflicts With Others

Part of being human means that we interact with other people in our lives. Sometimes this goes smoothly, other times not so much.

Interpersonal conflicts in relationships with others are important to clear up, energetically that is. When we hold grudges or can’t forgive someone, we are actually blocking our spiritual growth!  As difficult as it may seem to forgive, it is really, really important (and just feels better too).

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