Self-Inquiry in this Lifetime

These activation energies around the planet and swirling through us as humans are subtle. They have been building for years. Think about where you were 10 years ago and what you were interested in. Chances are it wasn't nearly as spiritual as it is now. 

That's part of the shifting... people are wondering what it means to have a soul, who they have been in past lives, what their innate gifts are in their current bodies and how to be of service on Earth. We are asking deeper questions that our loved ones who came before us often didn't. In the 1900s and early 2000s, life was just about getting by for many. Working, surviving, and numbing the pain of an existence that lacked meaning with alcohol or other substances.

We are making different choices and seeing through the illusions of the matrix. We are freeing ourselves. We are learning how to love ourselves unconditionally and therefore the collective.

When we look at how far we have come in our own lives, and as a human race, we see the shifting. 

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How Angels Shift Energy In Our Daily Lives

As many of you know, angels played a large role in my opening my third eye in the first place. When I first started this business in 2015, I wanted to expand my intuitive abilities. I took an angel class and I felt like I didn’t belong there. Everyone else was having these amazing experiences with their angels except for me. But I followed the teachings and kept asking for their help (specifically Archangel Michael, who helped me clear fear from childhood and from past lives about being safe to go into this realm). And one night I had an incredibly powerful experience with what I believe was contact with Archangel Michael. (I write more about this in my book, Tools for the Awakening Soul).
I knew something was happening. Situations in my life kept shifting, allowing my prayers to be answered. Since then, I have seen this happen with countless clients, when they learn how to ask.
Learning how to connect with angels can be life-changing. So over these past few years, I asked my angels to help me navigate relationships and situations with others in my life.
I closed my eyes, focused my intention, imagined light flowing through my body, and then information started flowing it. It can take time (and training) to pick up on the information they send us. (It took me months to really feel I was actually connecting with angels! I had to clear away lots of stuff for my channels to open.)

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Robins Eggs and Throat Chakra Healing

We have been noticing a lot of animals in our lives recently – great blue herons in front of our family island spot, a porcupine nonchalantly hanging out in our backyard munching on clovers the other day, baby mice cozied up next to their mama, and a few weeks ago my son even spotted a black bear early in the morning in our side yard.
But the robin’s egg stood out to me especially.

I knew that the robin had a message for me. (Many other robins hang out with us, one had even been crashing repeatedly into our windows repeatedly earlier this spring  - we went through multiple "window bird reflector" solutions).
The animal totem of the Robin is about new beginnings and growth. Its call is cheery, like a bright, beautiful song. The egg is a gorgeous blueberry blue color, similar to the throat chakra.
As I meditated upon what I was experiencing in my life and what the robin might be trying to share with me, I realized that it was sharing something about the power of my voice.

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