Accessing the Divine in Every Moment

Just today as we were at a nearby lake and my husband and kids were fishing, I was reading a book (about past life regression of course), my son caught a fish. My husband was helping release the fish but the hook wasn’t coming out easily. I didn’t want the fish to suffer, so I asked Archangel Ariel (the archangel who helps animals) to help the fish get freed. And a few moments later, the fish swam away.
It’s little instances like this that I realize how my consciousness is more and more integrated with the realm of Spirit, and how good that feels. While this integration has taken a lot of practice and dedication, it hasn’t been hard.

In fact, asking for guidance from my spirit guides, angels and Ascended Masters, has brought me a sense of comfort and understanding about why things occur in my life, and about how to move through the hard times and find gratitude for the good.

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The Discomfort of Soul Expansion

I am just returning from a week in Arizona where I was connecting deeply with those plans - learning life-between-life regression, a hypnotherapy technique to enter the spirit realm and access information held there. 

It's hard to put into words how powerful this was for me, and how I'm integrating it all. 

I experienced my own life-between-life regression in the training. I connected with my first life of Earth (a cavewoman taught how to farm and find food by extra-terrestials), learned my immortal soul name (and that of my soulmate - my husband of course), but also the names of a few more spirit guides, including a teacher who guides me to learn about the topography and mapping of Earth, an activity I am engaged in while in spirit (we keep a certain percentage of our soul energy in the spirit world while incarnated in a human body). 

I saw more of the Council of Elders in the Akashic Records and learned more from them, including  what planet my soul is originally from, why I came to Earth (searching for water), and more on my mission on Earth.

I viewed my "next life body" and why I chose my parents (and why they chose me) in the life selection room. I felt the emotions of a painful experience at 12 months of age that I had no conscious memory of but was able to release and heal. I remembered being in the womb and intuited what was happening around me, including my mother and others around here were feeling. I connected with a new past life with my husband and children (including my name there and the date, which was 1887 in Boston).

There was so much, and I'm still processing it all. 

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The Karmic Consequences of Fear (and Personal Responsibility)

And then, during a meditative experience the other day, I received what I can best call a download of information about the past three years.
Here is what came to me:
In the past few years, humans chose to experience consequences of fear. They chose the experience of a rude awakening.

As a collective mass of souls, they knew they had to learn to take responsibility for their actions. This was a free will experience.
I’m going to do my best to interpret this, as I didn’t totally understand it myself.
It seems like what they (guides/Ascended Masters, I believe) were trying to convey to me that this situation was pre-determined by these souls as a way to have a jolted, rapid soul learning.

This had a lot to do with personal responsibility and learning about what happens when you allow others to think for you, rather than to think for yourself. 

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