Energy Activation in Ancestral Lands

I had never been in a place where the land had so much energy, at least that spoke to me so deeply. The elemental realm is very strong there - the faeries, elves, gnomes, sprites, sylphs and all the devas of the natural elements thrive and are respected there.

In this photo, my husband and son are descending the Glastonbury Tor hill. The ley lines from Glastonbury extend like a spider web to Stonehenge and other sacred sites, linking the land and serving as center point for the Christed light grid we are anchoring on Earth now.

And then we visited Stonehenge, where we were able to walk amongst the stones (thanks to a special tour my husband arranged).

The crows were perched upon the stones standing guard, sentries of the rock devas and ancient ones watching over the stones.

The vibration there was about being. It took me days before I could really express the experience. I was meant to just receive the healing, not to understand its purpose.

The night before Stonehenge I dreamt that the stones were showing me the geometrical patterns in which they were arranged and why. But I didn’t understand the message.

Then later in the Akashic Records, I was shown that the arrangement of the stones was a physical manifestation of the Christed grid that is around the Earth now, a grid of unconditional love that light workers are anchoring in. It was fascinating and incredible, and I'm sure there will be more to come after this experience in my homeland... I look forward to it, and know that all of you are receiving this activation as well in a way for your highest good.

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Being Present: Weather, Pole Shifts and Divine Guidance

Sometimes we forget how to just be. 

I realized that my striving for the next thing I was working on in my life was bringing up some bizarre, irrational thoughts. One morning, in meditation, I decided to tunnel into the feeling (which was a green, spiky emotion in my solar plexus). It led me to a past life, a new scene in a past life I was familiar with (in an old English country village where I would teach children about magic but was persecuted for it). I re-lived some moments, and then talked to my past life self to help her heal and to re-write the story.

I then brought in some new mantras (reframed thoughts - which my clients are very familiar with and which I share a lot about in my book, as many of you know). I have been using those mantras and working on flipping the thoughts around in the past few days and some incredible things have happened around me, and for me as a result.

When we can be in the present moment (and this has been coming up a lot in sessions for clients), we move into a state of receiving the gifts that the universe (or our Divine guides/angels) want to send us. 

With the 4th of July celebration upon us, it's a time to practice being in a state of receiving... to bask in the energy of joy, and fun. I have been given the message by my spirit team (Archangel Michael in particular) that life isn't supposed to be so serious!

Yes, we can give our attention to all the bad, scary things that seem to be happening around us, or threatening to happen around us (which is what the mainstream news does nonstop), or we can shift our perspective to what is good and real.  

This doesn't mean we are denying what doesn't feel good, but we are choosing to focus our energies on peace, patience, inner calm and, eventually, maybe even joy.

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On Letting Go (A Message from Jesus and Ascended Masters)

We do not expect you to know what is happening, or understand it. But you can feel it. Allow yourself to move into the tightness, into the pain, into the sorrow. Explore these emotions and sensations. They have information for you. They want to communicate with you. So many humans push these emotions away. Now is the time to let them free. Do not be afraid.

You are breaking so many patterns, and this is an adjustment period. There can be a holding-on, or a resistance to release that which is comfortable. This includes feelings that you are used to, even the unpleasant ones, since they are like security blankets to you.

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