Being Present: Weather, Pole Shifts and Divine Guidance

Sometimes we forget how to just be. 

I realized that my striving for the next thing I was working on in my life was bringing up some bizarre, irrational thoughts. One morning, in meditation, I decided to tunnel into the feeling (which was a green, spiky emotion in my solar plexus). It led me to a past life, a new scene in a past life I was familiar with (in an old English country village where I would teach children about magic but was persecuted for it). I re-lived some moments, and then talked to my past life self to help her heal and to re-write the story.

I then brought in some new mantras (reframed thoughts - which my clients are very familiar with and which I share a lot about in my book, as many of you know). I have been using those mantras and working on flipping the thoughts around in the past few days and some incredible things have happened around me, and for me as a result.

When we can be in the present moment (and this has been coming up a lot in sessions for clients), we move into a state of receiving the gifts that the universe (or our Divine guides/angels) want to send us. 

With the 4th of July celebration upon us, it's a time to practice being in a state of receiving... to bask in the energy of joy, and fun. I have been given the message by my spirit team (Archangel Michael in particular) that life isn't supposed to be so serious!

Yes, we can give our attention to all the bad, scary things that seem to be happening around us, or threatening to happen around us (which is what the mainstream news does nonstop), or we can shift our perspective to what is good and real.  

This doesn't mean we are denying what doesn't feel good, but we are choosing to focus our energies on peace, patience, inner calm and, eventually, maybe even joy.

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Just Being (Like Trees)

When I paused, I realized how much nature has to teach us. The trees, the water, the rocks and the ground have no hidden motive for being. They don't want anything from us - they don't judge, they don't shame, they don't manipulate, they don't harm. They just are.

Sometimes a tree falls down, and it's fascinating how another tree will often hold up that tree. And that's only what's above the surface (they help each other immensely in their root systems, communicating and connecting).

How can we learn to be more like trees? To just be, without judgment, evaluation or expectation. Can we eventually approach other people in our lives like this?

This may be a long shot, but I believe it is part of where we are going in 5D consciousness.

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