Energy Activation in Ancestral Lands

I had never been in a place where the land had so much energy, at least that spoke to me so deeply. The elemental realm is very strong there - the faeries, elves, gnomes, sprites, sylphs and all the devas of the natural elements thrive and are respected there.

In this photo, my husband and son are descending the Glastonbury Tor hill. The ley lines from Glastonbury extend like a spider web to Stonehenge and other sacred sites, linking the land and serving as center point for the Christed light grid we are anchoring on Earth now.

And then we visited Stonehenge, where we were able to walk amongst the stones (thanks to a special tour my husband arranged).

The crows were perched upon the stones standing guard, sentries of the rock devas and ancient ones watching over the stones.

The vibration there was about being. It took me days before I could really express the experience. I was meant to just receive the healing, not to understand its purpose.

The night before Stonehenge I dreamt that the stones were showing me the geometrical patterns in which they were arranged and why. But I didn’t understand the message.

Then later in the Akashic Records, I was shown that the arrangement of the stones was a physical manifestation of the Christed grid that is around the Earth now, a grid of unconditional love that light workers are anchoring in. It was fascinating and incredible, and I'm sure there will be more to come after this experience in my homeland... I look forward to it, and know that all of you are receiving this activation as well in a way for your highest good.

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Existing Outside the System

It is not easy for many right now, whether you are operating within the system or outside of it. I personally will not comply with some of the excessive rules and regulations, and others I will. It’s all about balance and what feels right. And, ultimately, the change begins from within. In my family, we are living in a paradox. We love our new home and are creating a homesteading/homeschooling life that feels like living in a dream. We have made some new friends who we love, and still connect with old friends (like my 5D consciousness group who I love so dearly)! Yet, for me, I am managing some challenging ancestral pattern-breaking. (Check out this past post for some tips on how to heal conflicts with others.) It feels empowering, yet sad. Invigorating, yet confusing. Many of us are experiencing similar pattern-breaking, confronted with the shadows within us (which others in our lives can mirror back to us!) and with healing, through understanding and compassion for the perspective/point of view of another.

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