The Flickering Candle in the Wind

Overall, the energies with us now are asking us each to trust and go with the flow. This is much easier said than done! When we allow ourselves to examine what feels blocked, we can begin to forgive ourselves, others and help us move through this time. While staying cautious and respectful to keep us healthy and thriving, we can still question the narrative to preserve our freedoms, even when it means feeling like we are the only one.

Ultimately, this is about us learning to expand into our lightbody as Divine beings, learning to "be" rather than "do," and to operate from a Higher Self-guided perspective of feelings (with the heart) rather than thinking (with the brain). We need both feelings and thinking, but the heart is best as a leader of the brain.

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Healing for All Sentient Beings

In Australia, there is a place called Uluru that is known to be a portal for high-vibrational, loving frequencies to come in for the planet. It is no coincidence that these fires were set (by forces of darkness) to try to stop this, to destroy the life that was there to hold this vibration.

I believe the light will prevail. Many of us, animals and humans, are here to hold the vibration of light and of pure love. While we feel great pain and sorrow for the destruction that has been done, that has been done for thousands of years, the Divine feminine is coming back. The Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene vibration of gentle healing and quiet power. The Shakti. Archangel Ariel. Gaia. And the common thread is of the Christed self that we embody deep within our DNA.

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The Power of Light (to Help with Basically Anything)

One of the greatest tools we have for our collective healing is to learn the power of light. When we feel like we want to help so much of the suffering in the world, certainly taking action is important, but one of the most important things we can do is simply to spread light. And what is light exactly and why should we want to spread it? The way I conceive of it is that light is a flow of love. It is powerful, cleansing energy that comes directly from a Divine source (otherwise known as God). This light is generated in our bodies from our souls, and lives within us, and all around us. While we can control how strong this light flows and where we direct it, it also flows on its own, just like a river that flows freely when blockages are removed.

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