The Flickering Candle in the Wind

Overall, the energies with us now are asking us each to trust and go with the flow. This is much easier said than done! When we allow ourselves to examine what feels blocked, we can begin to forgive ourselves, others and help us move through this time. While staying cautious and respectful to keep us healthy and thriving, we can still question the narrative to preserve our freedoms, even when it means feeling like we are the only one.

Ultimately, this is about us learning to expand into our lightbody as Divine beings, learning to "be" rather than "do," and to operate from a Higher Self-guided perspective of feelings (with the heart) rather than thinking (with the brain). We need both feelings and thinking, but the heart is best as a leader of the brain.

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Be Gentle With Yourselves

Look to the messages and essences of nature and you will see perfection as well as imperfection. At its core, the creation of each living thing is perfect. Then external circumstances affect each thing, and damage can be done. And then what you may call imperfection occurs. But how would you grow without coming from some imperfection?

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