No More Seasonal Affective Disorder: Preparing Our Minds for Winter

By doing these three things, you too can similarly learn to work with the tricks of the “mean voice” of the negative Ego that tries to make us feel bad about ourselves. (And this video may help give you some tips on how to work with these heavy thoughts and emotions.)

Training the mind through meditation helps you notice when a thought is just a fear-based delusion of the Ego. And by regularly quieting the mind in this way, you then can tap into your Divine guidance, which is there to guide you to doing the things that are good for you in your life!

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Clearing Up Conflicts With Others

Part of being human means that we interact with other people in our lives. Sometimes this goes smoothly, other times not so much.

Interpersonal conflicts in relationships with others are important to clear up, energetically that is. When we hold grudges or can’t forgive someone, we are actually blocking our spiritual growth!  As difficult as it may seem to forgive, it is really, really important (and just feels better too).

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What if Depression is Just Negative Energy?

I have seen people debilitated by sadness so heavy that they cannot muster the energy to get out of bed in the morning, go to work or do really anything that could help them feel better. (I felt this way for a time, but thankfully something pulled me out of it). It can be so bad that it can lead to addiction as a way to numb the pain, or even worse, to suicide.

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