Robins Eggs and Throat Chakra Healing
We have been noticing a lot of animals in our lives recently – great blue herons in front of our family island spot, a porcupine nonchalantly hanging out in our backyard munching on clovers the other day, baby mice cozied up next to their mama, and a few weeks ago my son even spotted a black bear early in the morning in our side yard.
But the robin’s egg stood out to me especially.
I knew that the robin had a message for me. (Many other robins hang out with us, one had even been crashing repeatedly into our windows repeatedly earlier this spring - we went through multiple "window bird reflector" solutions).
The animal totem of the Robin is about new beginnings and growth. Its call is cheery, like a bright, beautiful song. The egg is a gorgeous blueberry blue color, similar to the throat chakra.
As I meditated upon what I was experiencing in my life and what the robin might be trying to share with me, I realized that it was sharing something about the power of my voice.